
A tool in Pharmpy is an implementation of a pharmacometric method. The Pharmpy tools typically create multiple candidate models according to the tool selected, estimate those, and make some sort of selection of the best model. If possible, Pharmpy will parallelize the runs. All tools are independent of the estimation software chosen, the only part of the tool that is software specific is the estimation.


The tools can be split into two sections: Pharmpy tools and tools connected to PsN. Pharmpy tools are implemented in Pharmpy, while the tools connected to PsN allows for parsing and presenting results from PsN tools. Documentation of PsN tools can be found here.

Tools in Pharmpy#


In order to run any of the tools you need to have a configuration file set up with a path to NONMEM, instructions can be found here.

Common options#

In addition to the tool specific options, there are some options that all tools have in common.




Path to create (or resume in) tool database


Flag whether to resume an existing tool run


Method of broadcasting messages to the user while running. Default is terminal to do terminal output. The other option is null to turn off broadcasting