Command line interface#
Pharmpy has a command line interface for some of its functionality. The command line tool is an integrated part of the Pharmpy python package.
The main command is `pharmpy`
and the functionality is divided into subcommands with two levels. The first and top level most often represents a type of object to perform on operation on. For example `model`
or `data`
. (The built in help system will give an overview of available subcommands with `pharmpy -h`
. The second level is most often an operation or verb to perform. After the main command and the two subcommands follows the input and options of the particular command.
Welcome to the command line interface of Pharmpy!
- Functionality is split into various subcommands
try –help after a COMMAND
all keyword arguments can be abbreviated if unique
usage: pharmpy [-h] [--version] COMMAND ...
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --version#
show program’s version number and exit
- Examples:
# Create 100 bootstrap datasets pharmpy data resample pheno_real.mod –resamples=100 –replace
# prettyprint model pharmpy model print pheno_real.mod
# version/install information pharmpy info
pharmpy data#
usage: pharmpy data [-h] ACTION ...
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy data append#
Append a column to dataset given an assignment expression.The expression can contain already present columns of the dataset.
usage: pharmpy data append [-h] [-f] [-o file] FILE expression
- file#
input model or dataset file
- expression#
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -f, --force#
remove existing destination files (all)
- -o <file>, --output_file <file>#
output file
pharmpy data deidentify#
Deidentify dataset by renumbering the id column and changing dates.
usage: pharmpy data deidentify [-h] [-f] [-o file] [--idcol COLUMN]
[--datecols COLUMNS]
- file#
A csv file dataset
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -f, --force#
remove existing destination files (all)
- -o <file>, --output_file <file>#
output file
- --idcol <column>#
id column name (default ID)
- --datecols <columns>#
Comma separated list of date column names
pharmpy data filter#
Filter rows of dataset via expressions. All rows matching all expressions will be kept.abs A new model with the filtered dataset connected is created.
usage: pharmpy data filter [-h] [-f] [-o file] FILE ...
- file#
input model or dataset file
- expressions#
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -f, --force#
remove existing destination files (all)
- -o <file>, --output_file <file>#
output file
pharmpy data print#
Print whole dataset or selected columns from model or csv file via a pager to stdout. For NM-TRAN models the dataset will be filtered first.
usage: pharmpy data print [-h] [--columns COLUMNS] FILE
- file#
input model or dataset file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --columns <columns>#
Select specific columns (default is all)
pharmpy data reference#
Set values in specific columns to provided reference values
usage: pharmpy data reference [-h] [-f] [-o file]
- file#
input model file
- colname=value#
List of pairs of column names and reference values
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -f, --force#
remove existing destination files (all)
- -o <file>, --output_file <file>#
output file
pharmpy data resample#
Bootstrap resample datasetsMultiple new models and datasets will be created
usage: pharmpy data resample [-h] [--seed INTEGER] [--group COLUMN]
[--resamples NUMBER] [--stratify COLUMN]
[--replace] [--sample_size NUMBER]
- file#
input model or dataset file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --seed <integer>#
Provide a random seed. The seed must be an integer
- --group <column>#
Column to use for grouping (default is ID)
- --resamples <number>#
Number of resampled datasets (default 1)
- --stratify <column>#
Column to use for stratification
- --replace#
Sample with replacement (default is without)
- --sample_size <number>#
Number of groups to sample for each resample
pharmpy data write#
Write a dataset from model as the model sees it. For NM-TRAN models this means to filter all IGNORE and ACCEPT statements in $DATA and to convert the dataset to csv format.
usage: pharmpy data write [-h] [-f] [-o file] FILE
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -f, --force#
remove existing destination files (all)
- -o <file>, --output_file <file>#
output file
pharmpy info#
usage: pharmpy info [-h]
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy model#
usage: pharmpy model [-h] ACTION ...
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy model print#
Print an overview of a model.
usage: pharmpy model print [-h] [--explicit-odes] FILE [FILE ...]
- file#
input model files
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --explicit-odes#
Print the ODE system explicitly instead of as a compartmental graph
pharmpy model sample#
Sample parameter initial estimates using uncertainty givenby covariance matrix.
usage: pharmpy model sample [-h] [--seed INTEGER] [--samples NUMBER] FILE
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --seed <integer>#
Provide a random seed. The seed must be an integer
- --samples <number>#
Number of sampled models
pharmpy model update_inits#
Update inits using modelfit results.
usage: pharmpy model update_inits [-h] [-f] [-o file] FILE
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -f, --force#
remove existing destination files (all)
- -o <file>, --output_file <file>#
output file
pharmpy psn#
usage: pharmpy psn [-h] ACTION ...
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn bootstrap#
Generate results from a PsN bootstrap run
usage: pharmpy psn bootstrap [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN bootstrap run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn cdd#
Generate results from a PsN cdd run
usage: pharmpy psn cdd [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN cdd run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn frem#
Generate results from a PsN frem run
usage: pharmpy psn frem [-h] [--method {cov_sampling,bipp}]
[--force_posdef_samples FORCE_POSDEF_SAMPLES]
PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN frem run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --method {cov_sampling,bipp}#
Method to use for uncertainty of covariate effects
- --force_posdef_covmatrix#
Should covariance matrix be forced to become positive definite
- --force_posdef_samples <force_posdef_samples>#
Number of sampling tries to do before starting to force posdef
pharmpy psn linearize#
Generate results from a PsN linearize run
usage: pharmpy psn linearize [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN linearize run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn print#
Print results from PsN run to stdout
usage: pharmpy psn print [-h] file or directory
- file or directory#
Path to directory containing results.json or directly to json results file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn qa#
Generate results from a PsN qa run
usage: pharmpy psn qa [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN qa run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn report#
Generate results report for PsN run (currently only frem)
usage: pharmpy psn report [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn ruvsearch#
Generate results from a PsN ruvsearch run
usage: pharmpy psn ruvsearch [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN ruvsearch run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn scm#
Generate results from a PsN scm run
usage: pharmpy psn scm [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN scm run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy psn simeval#
Generate results from a PsN simeval run
usage: pharmpy psn simeval [-h] PsN directory
- psn directory#
Path to PsN simeval run directory
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy results#
usage: pharmpy results [-h] ACTION ...
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy results summary#
Print a summary of a model estimates to stdout.
usage: pharmpy results summary [-h] FILE [FILE ...]
- file#
input model files
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy run#
usage: pharmpy run [-h] TOOL ...
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy run allometry#
usage: pharmpy run allometry [-h] [--allometric_variable ALLOMETRIC_VARIABLE]
[--reference_value REFERENCE_VALUE]
[--parameters PARAMETERS] [--initials INITIALS]
[--lower_bounds LOWER_BOUNDS]
[--upper_bounds UPPER_BOUNDS] [--non_fixed]
[--path PATH]
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --allometric_variable <allometric_variable>#
Name of the variable to use for allometric scaling
- --reference_value <reference_value>#
Reference value for the allometric variable
- --parameters <parameters>#
Parameters to apply scaling to
- --initials <initials>#
Initial estimates for the exponents
- --lower_bounds <lower_bounds>#
Lower bounds for the exponents
- --upper_bounds <upper_bounds>#
Upper bounds for the exponents
- --non_fixed#
Should the exponents not be fixed
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run amd#
usage: pharmpy run amd [-h] [--seed INTEGER] [--results RESULTS]
[--modeltype MODELTYPE]
[--administration ADMINISTRATION] [--strategy STRATEGY]
[--cl_init CL_INIT] [--vc_init VC_INIT]
[--mat_init MAT_INIT] [--b_init B_INIT]
[--emax_init EMAX_INIT] [--ec50_init EC50_INIT]
[--met_init MET_INIT] [--search_space SEARCH_SPACE]
[--lloq_method LLOQ_METHOD] [--lloq_limit LLOQ_LIMIT]
[--allometric_variable ALLOMETRIC_VARIABLE]
[--occasion OCCASION] [--strictness STRICTNESS]
[--mechanistic_covariates MECHANISTIC_COVARIATES]
[--retries_strategy RETRIES_STRATEGY]
[--parameter_uncertainty_method PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY_METHOD]
[--ignore_datainfo_fallback IGNORE_DATAINFO_FALLBACK]
[--resume RESUME] [--path PATH]
- file#
input model or dataset path
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --seed <integer>#
Provide a random seed. The seed must be an integer
- --results <results>#
Reults of input if input is a model
- --modeltype <modeltype>#
Type of model to build. Valid strings are “basic_pk”, “pkpd”, “drug_metabolite” and “tmdd”
- --administration <administration>#
Route of administration. Either “iv”, “oral” or “ivoral”
- --strategy <strategy>#
Run algorithm for AMD procedure. Valid options are “default”, “reevaluation”
- --cl_init <cl_init>#
Initial estimate for the population clearance
- --vc_init <vc_init>#
Initial estimate for the central compartment population volume
- --mat_init <mat_init>#
Initial estimate for the mean absorption time (not for iv models)
- --b_init <b_init>#
Initial estimate for the baseline (PKPD model)
- --emax_init <emax_init>#
Initial estimate for E_max (PKPD model)
- --ec50_init <ec50_init>#
Initial estimate for EC_50 (PKPD model)
- --met_init <met_init>#
Initial estimate for mean equilibration time (PKPD model)
- --search_space <search_space>#
MFL for search space for structural and covariate model
- --lloq_method <lloq_method>#
Method for how to remove LOQ data
- --lloq_limit <lloq_limit>#
Lower limit of quantification. If None LLOQ column from dataset will be used
- --allometric_variable <allometric_variable>#
Variable to use for allometry
- --occasion <occasion>#
Name of occasion column
- --strictness <strictness>#
Strictness criteria
- --dv_types <colname=value>#
- --mechanistic_covariates <mechanistic_covariates>#
List of covariates or tuple of covariate and parameter combination to run in a separate proioritized covsearch run
- --retries_strategy <retries_strategy>#
Whether or not to run retries tool
- --parameter_uncertainty_method <parameter_uncertainty_method>#
Parameter uncertainty method
- --ignore_datainfo_fallback <ignore_datainfo_fallback>#
Ignore using datainfo to get information not given by the user
- --resume <resume>#
Whether to allow resuming previous run
- --path <path>#
Path to run AMD in
pharmpy run bootstrap#
usage: pharmpy run bootstrap [-h] [--samples SAMPLES] FILE
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --samples <samples>#
Number of bootstrap datasets
pharmpy run covsearch#
usage: pharmpy run covsearch [-h] [--search_space SEARCH_SPACE]
[--p_forward P_FORWARD] [--p_backward P_BACKWARD]
[--max_steps MAX_STEPS] [--algorithm ALGORITHM]
[--max_eval MAX_EVAL]
[--adaptive_scope_reduction ADAPTIVE_SCOPE_REDUCTION]
[--strictness STRICTNESS]
[--naming_index_offset NAMING_INDEX_OFFSET]
[--path PATH]
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --search_space <search_space>#
MFL of covariate effects to try
- --p_forward <p_forward>#
The p-value to use in the likelihood ratio test for forward steps
- --p_backward <p_backward>#
The p-value to use in the likelihood ratio test for backward steps
- --max_steps <max_steps>#
The maximum number of search steps to make
- --algorithm <algorithm>#
The search algorithm to use
- --max_eval <max_eval>#
Limit the number of function evaluations to 3.1 times that of the base model
- --adaptive_scope_reduction <adaptive_scope_reduction>#
Stash all non-significant parameter-covariate effects to be tested after all significant effects have been tested. Once all these have been tested, try adding the stashed effects once more with a regular forward approach
- --strictness <strictness>#
Strictness criteria
- --naming_index_offset <naming_index_offset>#
Index offset for naming of runs
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run estmethod#
usage: pharmpy run estmethod [-h] [--methods METHODS] [--solvers SOLVERS]
[--parameter_uncertainty_methods PARAMETER_UNCERTAINTY_METHODS]
[--path PATH]
FILE algorithm compare_ofv
- file#
input model file
- algorithm#
Algorithm to use
- compare_ofv#
Whether to compare the OFV between candidates
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --methods <methods>#
List of estimation methods to test. Can be specified as “all”, a list of estimation methods, or not specify (to not test any estimation method)
- --solvers <solvers>#
List of solvers to test. Can be specified as “all”, a list of solvers, or not specify (to not test any solver)
- --parameter_uncertainty_methods <parameter_uncertainty_methods>#
List of parameter uncertainty methods to test. Can be specified as “all”, a list of uncertainty methods, or not specify (to not test any uncertainty method)
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run execute#
usage: pharmpy run execute [-h] FILE [FILE ...]
- file#
input model files
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
pharmpy run iivsearch#
usage: pharmpy run iivsearch [-h] [--broadcaster NAME] [--algorithm ALGORITHM]
[--iiv_strategy IIV_STRATEGY]
[--rank_type RANK_TYPE] [--cutoff CUTOFF]
[--linearize] [--keep KEEP]
[--strictness STRICTNESS]
[--correlation_algorithm CORRELATION_ALGORITHM]
[--e_p E_P] [--e_q E_Q] [--path PATH]
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --broadcaster <name>#
Name of the broadcaster to use for log messages
- --algorithm <algorithm>#
Which algorithm to run when determining number of IIVs
- --iiv_strategy <iiv_strategy>#
If/how IIV should be added to start model
- --rank_type <rank_type>#
Which ranking type should be used
- --cutoff <cutoff>#
Cutoff for which value of the ranking function that is considered significant
- --linearize#
Whether or not use linearization when running the tool
- --keep <keep>#
List of IIVs to keep
- --strictness <strictness>#
Strictness criteria
- --correlation_algorithm <correlation_algorithm>#
Which algorithm to run for the determining block structure of added IIVs
- --e_p <e_p>#
Expected number of predictors for diagonal elements (used for mBIC)
- --e_q <e_q>#
Expected number of predictors for off-diagonal elements (used for mBIC)
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run iovsearch#
usage: pharmpy run iovsearch [-h] [--column COLUMN]
[--list_of_parameters LIST_OF_PARAMETERS]
[--rank_type RANK_TYPE] [--cutoff CUTOFF]
[--distribution DISTRIBUTION]
[--strictness STRICTNESS] [--e E] [--path PATH]
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --column <column>#
Name of column in dataset to use as occasion column (default is “OCC”)
- --list_of_parameters <list_of_parameters>#
List of parameters to test IOV on (if not specified, allparameters with IIV will be tested)
- --rank_type <rank_type>#
Which ranking type should be used
- --cutoff <cutoff>#
Cutoff for which value of the ranking function that is considered significant
- --distribution <distribution>#
Which distribution added IOVs should have (default is same-as-iiv)
- --strictness <strictness>#
Strictness criteria
- --e <e>#
Expected number of predictors (used for mBIC)
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run linearize#
usage: pharmpy run linearize [-h] [--path PATH] FILE
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run modelsearch#
usage: pharmpy run modelsearch [-h] [--algorithm ALGORITHM]
[--iiv_strategy IIV_STRATEGY]
[--rank_type RANK_TYPE] [--cutoff CUTOFF]
[--strictness STRICTNESS] [--e E] [--path PATH]
FILE mfl
- file#
input model file
- mfl#
Search space to test
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --algorithm <algorithm>#
Algorithm to use
- --iiv_strategy <iiv_strategy>#
If/how IIV should be added to candidate models
- --rank_type <rank_type>#
Which ranking type should be used
- --cutoff <cutoff>#
Cutoff for which value of the ranking function that is considered significant
- --strictness <strictness>#
Strictness criteria
- --e <e>#
Expected number of predictors (used for mBIC)
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory
pharmpy run ruvsearch#
usage: pharmpy run ruvsearch [-h] [--groups GROUPS] [--p_value P_VALUE]
[--skip SKIP] [--max_iter MAX_ITER] [--dv DV]
[--strictness STRICTNESS] [--path PATH]
- file#
input model file
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- --groups <groups>#
The number of bins to use for the time varying models
- --p_value <p_value>#
The p-value to use for the likelihood ratio test
- --skip <skip>#
List of models to not test
- --max_iter <max_iter>#
Number of iterations to run (1, 2, or 3)
- --dv <dv>#
Which DV to assess the error model for
- --strictness <strictness>#
Strictness criteria
- --path <path>#
Path to output directory