
The structsearch tool is available both in Pharmpy/pharmr.

The code to initiate structsearch for a TMDD model in Python/R is stated below:

from pharmpy.modeling import read_model
from read_modelfit_results, run_structsearch

start_model = read_model('path/to/model')
start_model_results = read_modelfit_results('path/to/model')

res = run_structsearch(type='tmdd',


The arguments of the structsearch tool for TMDD models are listed below.





Type of model. In this case “tmdd”.


PK start model.


ModelfitResults of the start model.





Strictness criteria for model selection. Default is “minimization_successful or (rounding_errors and sigdigs>= 0.1)”. Optional.


Extra model for TMDD structsearch. Optional. If specified, 8 additional QSS models will be generated.


ModelfitResults object for the extra model for TMDD structsearch. Optional if extra_model is not specified.


Dictionary of DV types for multiple DVs (e.g. dv_types = {‘target’: 2}). Allowed keys are: ‘drug’, ‘target’, ‘complex’, ‘drug_tot’ and ‘target_tot’. Optional. Default is None which means that all observations are treated as drug observations.


Implemented target mediated drug disposition (TMDD) models are:

  • Full model

  • Irreversible binding approximation (IB)

  • Constant total receptor approximation (CR)

  • Irreversible binding and constant total receptor approximation (CR+IB)

  • Quasi steady-state approximation (QSS)

  • Wagner

  • Michaelis-Menten approximation (MMAPP)

Full model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0; concentrate=true central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] complex [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] complex -> target [headlabel="\n koff", constraint=false, minlen=3] target -> complex [headlabel="kon \n\n"] {rank=same;central;plus;target;complex} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kint [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg complex -> kint }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = k_{\text{off}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t) \ + \biggl(- \frac{\text{Cl}}{\text{V}} \ - \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{\text{V}} \biggl) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t)\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{target}}}{dt} = - k_{\text{deg}} \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t) \ + k_{\text{off}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t) \ - \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{\text{V}} \ + k_{\text{syn}} \cdot \text{V}\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{complex}}}{dt} = \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) \ \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{\text{V}} + ( - k_{\text{int}} - k_{\text{off}}) \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)\]

IB model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0 central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] complex [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] target -> complex [label="kon", minlen=2] {rank=same;central;plus;target;complex} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kint [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg complex -> kint }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = \biggl(- \frac{\text{Cl}}{\text{V}} \ - \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{\text{V}} \biggl) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t)\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{target}}}{dt} = - k_{\text{deg}} \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t) \ - \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{\text{V}} \ + k_{\text{syn}} \cdot \text{V}\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{complex}}}{dt} = \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) \ \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{\text{V}} - k_{\text{int}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)\]

CR model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0 central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] complex [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] complex -> target [headlabel="\n koff", constraint=false, minlen=3] target -> complex [headlabel="kon \n\n"] {rank=same;central;plus;target;complex} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kint [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg complex -> kint }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = k_{\text{off}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t) \ + \biggl( - \frac{\text{Cl}}{\text{V}} - k_{\text{on}} \cdot R_0 \ + \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)}{\text{V}} \biggl) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t)\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{complex}}}{dt} = \biggl( k_{\text{on}} \cdot R_0 - \frac{ k_{\text{on}} \ \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)}{\text{V}} \biggl) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) + \ (- k_{\text{int}} - k_{\text{off}}) \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)\]

CR + IB model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0 central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] complex [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] target -> complex [label="kon", minlen=2] {rank=same;central;plus;target;complex} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kint [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg complex -> kint }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = \biggl(- \frac{\text{Cl}}{\text{V}} - k_{\text{on}} \cdot R_0 \ - \frac{k_{\text{on}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)}{\text{V}} \biggl) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t)\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{complex}}}{dt} = \biggl( k_{\text{on}} \cdot R_0 - \frac{ k_{\text{on}} \ \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)}{\text{V}} \biggl) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) \ - k_{\text{int}} \cdot A_{\text{complex}}(t)\]

QSS model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0 central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] complex [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] target -> complex [label="kD", minlen=2, dir=both] {rank=same;central;plus;target;complex} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kint [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg complex -> kint }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = - \frac{Cl \cdot \text{LAFREE} \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t)}{V} \ - \frac{Cl \cdot \text{LAFREE}}{V} - \frac{k_{\text{int}} \cdot \ \text{LAFREE} \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{k_{\text{D}} + \text{LAFREE}}\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{target}}}{dt} = k_{\text{syn}} \cdot V + \biggl( -k_{\text{deg}} \ - \frac{\text{LAFREE} \cdot (k_{\text{int}} - k_{\text{deg}})}{k_{\text{D}} + \text{LAFREE}} \biggl) \ \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)\]

Wagner model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0 central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] complex [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] target -> complex [label="kD", minlen=2, dir=both] {rank=same;central;plus;target;complex} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kint [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg complex -> kint }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = - \frac{Cl \cdot \text{LAFREE}}{V} \ + k_{\text{int}} \cdot \text{LAFREE} - k_{\text{int}} \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t)\]

MMAPP model:#

digraph G { subgraph cluster { peripheries=0 central [shape=rec] plus [label="+", shape=none, height=0, width=0] target [shape=rec] central -> plus [color=none, minlen=0] plus -> target [color=none, minlen=0] out [label="", shape=none] target -> out [label="(kdeg-kint) · A/V \n ――――――― \n kMC + (A/V)"] {rank=same;central;plus;target;out} } kel [shape=none] ksyn [shape=none] kdeg [shape=none] central -> kel ksyn -> target target -> kdeg }

\[\frac {dA_{\text{central}}}{dt} = \Biggl( - \frac{Cl}{V} - \frac{k_{\text{int}} \cdot \ A_{\text{target}}(t)}{ V \cdot \Bigl( k_{\text{MC}} + \frac{A_{\text{central}}(t)}{V} \Bigl) } \Biggl) \ \cdot A_{\text{entral}}(t)\]
\[\frac {dA_{\text{target}}}{dt} = -k_{\text{deg}} \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t) + k_{\text{syn}} \ - \frac{(k_{\text{kint}} - k_{\text{deg}}) \cdot A_{\text{central}}(t) \cdot A_{\text{target}}(t)}{V \ \cdot \biggl( k_{\text{MC}} + \frac{A_{\text{central}}(t)}{V} \biggl)}\]

DV types#

The dv_types argument is a dictionary specifiying the DVs. If dv_types is not specified then all observations are treated as drug observations. There are five types implemented: ‘drug’ (free drug), ‘target’, ‘complex’, ‘drug_tot’ (total drug) and ‘target_tot’ (total target). Only ‘drug’ and ‘drug_tot’ can have dv=1.

Example 1:

dv_types = {'drug':1, 'target':2, 'complex':3}

In this case the drug has dv=1, the target has dv=2 and complex has dv=3:

Example 2:

dv_types = {'target':2, 'complex':3}

This is equivalent to the previous example. Per default drug has dv=1.

Example 3:

dv_types = {'target_tot':3, 'complex':2}

The dv types can be arranged in any possible order.

Structsearch workflow#

There are two workflows for the structsearch tool for TMDD models, depending on whether the tool is used separately or inside the AMD tool. If used as a standalone tool, the structsearch workflow is as follows:

  1. Create 8 QSS models for the input model and optionally additional 8 QSS models for the extra model if specified.

  2. Find best QSS model of the 8(16) QSS models

  3. Create 4 full models, 2 CR+IB models, 1 Wagner model, 2 CR models, 2 IB models and 1 MMAPP model. Use parameter estimates from the best QSS model as initial estimates for the generated models.

  4. Find the best model of these 12 models.

When used inside the AMD tool:

  1. Perform modelsearch

  2. Get the final model of the modelsearch and a model with the same features as the final model but with one less peripheral compartment if one such model exists.

  3. Create 8 QSS models for the final model and 8 QSS models for the final model minus one compartment if it exists. Otherwise only 8 QSS models are created.

  4. Find best QSS model of the 8(16) QSS models

  5. Create 4 full models, 2 CR+IB models, 1 Wagner model, 2 CR models, 2 IB models and 1 MMAPP model. Use parameter estimates from the best QSS model as initial estimates for the generated models.

  6. Find the best model of these 12 models.

digraph BST { node [fontname="Arial"]; base [label="Base model"] s0 [label="Modelsearch"] s1 [label="final model (+ final model -1 comp)"] s2 [label="8 (+ 8) QSS models"] s3 [label="best QSS model"] s31 [label="4 full"] s32 [label="2 CR+IB"] s33 [label="1 Wagner"] s34 [label="2 CR"] s35 [label="2 IB"] s36 [label="1 MMAPP"] base -> s0 s0 -> s1 s1 -> s2 s2 -> s3 s3 -> s31 s3 -> s32 s3 -> s33 s3 -> s34 s3 -> s35 s3 -> s36 }


The results object contains various summary tables which can be accessed in the results object, as well as files in .csv/.json format. The name of the selected best model (based on the input selection criteria) is also included.

Below is an example for a TMDD run.

res = run_structsearch(type='tmdd',

The summary_tool table contains information such as which feature each model candidate has, the difference to the start model (in this case comparing BIC), and final ranking:

description n_params d_params dbic bic rank parent_model
structsearch_run1 FULL1 13 1 14.679076 4243.302405 1.0 QSS2
structsearch_run2 FULL2 13 1 14.679069 4243.302412 2.0 QSS2
structsearch_run5 CR1 12 0 10.987197 4246.994284 3.0 QSS2
QSS2 QSS2 12 0 0.000000 4257.981481 4.0 QSS2
structsearch_run11 WAGNER 11 -1 -31.897162 4289.878642 5.0 QSS2
structsearch_run9 CR+IB1 11 -1 -97.201724 4355.183204 6.0 QSS2
structsearch_run7 IB1 12 0 -97.201728 4355.183209 7.0 QSS2
structsearch_run12 MMAPP 12 0 -103.284581 4361.266061 8.0 QSS2
structsearch_run3 FULL3 13 1 NaN NaN NaN QSS2
structsearch_run4 FULL4 13 1 NaN NaN NaN QSS2
structsearch_run6 CR2 12 0 NaN NaN NaN QSS2
structsearch_run8 IB2 12 0 NaN NaN NaN QSS2
structsearch_run10 CR+IB2 11 -1 NaN NaN NaN QSS2


Run TMDD for multiple DVs:

from pharmpy.modeling import read_model
from read_modelfit_results, run_structsearch

start_model = read_model('path/to/model')
start_model_results = read_modelfit_results('path/to/model')

res = run_structsearch(type='tmdd',
                        dv_types={'drug': 1, 'target': 2, 'complex': 3})

Note: “drug” can be omitted in dv_types. In this case it will be set to 1.