
Welcome to Pharmpy#

Pharmpy is an open-source software package for pharmacometric modeling. It has functionality ranging from reading and manipulating model files and datasets to full tools where subsequent results are collected and presented.

Features include:

  • A model abstraction which splits a model into core components which Pharmpy understands and can manipulate: parameters, random variables, statements (including ODE system), dataset, and execution steps

  • An abstraction for modelfit results which splits a parsed results into core components: e.g. OFV, parameter estimates, relative standard errors (RSEs), residuals, predictions

  • Functions for manipulation of models and datasets in the modeling-module: e.g. change structural model, add time-after-dose column, deidentify dataset

  • Tools to aid model development in the tools-module: execution of models within Python/R scripts, automatic development of models (e.g. AMD, IIVSearch, RUVSearch), comparison of estimation methods

  • Support for multiple estimation tools: parse NONMEM models, execute NONMEM, nlmixr2, and rxODE2 models, run all Pharmpy tools with NONMEM and some with nlmixr2

Pharmpy can be used as a regular Python package, in R via the pharmr package, or via its built in command line interface.

We encourage your contribution to the Pharmpy project! You can report issues and post suggestions of features via GitHub issues (to Pharmpy or to pharmr). If you want to contribute with code you can find more information under Contribute.

Pharmpy is maintained by the Uppsala University Pharmacometrics group and is an open-source project.