Source code for pharmpy.model.model

Generic Model class

**Base class of all implementations.**

Inherit to *implement*, i.e. to define support for a specific model type.


from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import json
from import Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Self, Union

import pharmpy
from pharmpy.basic import Expr, TExpr, TSymbol
from pharmpy.deps import pandas as pd
from pharmpy.internals.df import hash_df_runtime
from pharmpy.internals.immutable import Immutable, cache_method, frozenmapping
from pharmpy.model.external import detect_model

from .datainfo import ColumnInfo, DataInfo
from .execution_steps import ExecutionSteps
from .parameters import Parameters
from .random_variables import RandomVariables
from .statements import CompartmentalSystem, Statements

[docs] class ModelError(Exception): """Exception for errors in model object""" pass
[docs] class ModelSyntaxError(ModelError): """Exception for Syntax errors in model code""" def __init__(self, msg='model syntax error'): super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class ModelfitResultsError(ModelError): """Exception for issues with ModelfitResults""" pass
@dataclass(frozen=True) class ModelInternals: def __init__(self): pass def replace(self, **kwargs) -> Self: return dataclasses.replace(self, **kwargs)
[docs] class Model(Immutable): """The Pharmpy model class""" filename_extension = '.ppmod' def __init__( self, name: str = '', parameters: Parameters = Parameters(), random_variables: RandomVariables = RandomVariables.create(()), statements: Statements = Statements(), dataset: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, datainfo: DataInfo = DataInfo(), dependent_variables: frozenmapping[Expr, int] = frozenmapping({Expr.symbol('y'): 1}), observation_transformation: Optional[frozenmapping[Expr, Expr]] = None, execution_steps: ExecutionSteps = ExecutionSteps(), initial_individual_estimates: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, value_type: str = 'PREDICTION', description: str = '', internals: Optional[ModelInternals] = None, ): self._name = name self._datainfo = datainfo self._dataset = dataset self._random_variables = random_variables self._parameters = parameters self._statements = statements self._dependent_variables = dependent_variables if observation_transformation is None: observation_transformation = frozenmapping( {dv: dv for dv in dependent_variables.keys()} ) self._observation_transformation = observation_transformation self._execution_steps = execution_steps self._initial_individual_estimates = initial_individual_estimates self._value_type = value_type self._description = description self._internals = internals
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, name: str, parameters: Optional[Parameters] = None, random_variables: Optional[RandomVariables] = None, statements: Optional[Statements] = None, dataset: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, datainfo: DataInfo = DataInfo(), dependent_variables: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, int]] = None, observation_transformation: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, TExpr]] = None, execution_steps: Optional[ExecutionSteps] = None, initial_individual_estimates: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, value_type: str = 'PREDICTION', description: str = '', internals: Optional[ModelInternals] = None, ): Model._canonicalize_name(name) dvs = Model._canonicalize_dependent_variables(dependent_variables) obs_transformation = Model._canonicalize_observation_transformation( observation_transformation, dvs ) parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameters(parameters) random_variables = Model._canonicalize_random_variables(random_variables) parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameter_estimates(parameters, random_variables) execution_steps = Model._canonicalize_execution_steps(execution_steps) value_type = Model._canonicalize_value_type(value_type) if not isinstance(datainfo, DataInfo): raise TypeError("model.datainfo must be of DataInfo type") if dataset is not None: datainfo = update_datainfo(datainfo, dataset) statements = Model._canonicalize_statements( statements, parameters, random_variables, datainfo ) return cls( name=name, dependent_variables=dvs, observation_transformation=obs_transformation, parameters=parameters, random_variables=random_variables, execution_steps=execution_steps, statements=statements, description=description, value_type=value_type, internals=internals, initial_individual_estimates=initial_individual_estimates, dataset=dataset, datainfo=datainfo, )
@staticmethod def _canonicalize_value_type(value: str) -> str: allowed_strings = ('PREDICTION', 'LIKELIHOOD', '-2LL') if isinstance(value, str): if value.upper() not in allowed_strings: raise ValueError( f"Cannot set value_type to {value}. Must be one of {allowed_strings} " f"or a symbol" ) value = value.upper() elif not (isinstance(value, Expr) and value.is_symbol()): raise ValueError(f"Can only set value_type to one of {allowed_strings} or a symbol") return value @staticmethod def _canonicalize_parameter_estimates(params, rvs) -> Parameters: inits = params.inits if not rvs.validate_parameters(inits): nearest = rvs.nearest_valid_parameters(inits) params = params.set_initial_estimates(nearest) return params @staticmethod def _canonicalize_random_variables(rvs: Optional[RandomVariables]) -> RandomVariables: if isinstance(rvs, RandomVariables): return rvs elif rvs is None: return RandomVariables.create() else: raise TypeError("model.random_variables must be of RandomVariables type") @staticmethod def _canonicalize_statements( statements: Optional[Statements], params: Parameters, rvs: RandomVariables, datainfo: DataInfo, ) -> Statements: if statements is None: return Statements() if not isinstance(statements, Statements): raise TypeError("model.statements must be of Statements type") colnames = {Expr.symbol(colname) for colname in datainfo.names} symbs_all = rvs.free_symbols.union(params.symbols).union(colnames) if statements.ode_system is not None: symbs_all = symbs_all.union({statements.ode_system.t}) for i, statement in enumerate(statements): if isinstance(statement, CompartmentalSystem): continue symbs = statement.expression.free_symbols if not symbs.issubset(symbs_all): # E.g. after solve_ode_system if statement.symbol.is_function(): symbs_all.add(Expr.symbol( for arg in statement.symbol.args: if arg.is_symbol(): symbs_all.add(arg) for symb in symbs: if symb in symbs_all: continue if str(symb) == 'NaN': continue if statements.find_assignment(symb) is None: raise ValueError(f'Symbol {symb} is not defined') if statements[:i].find_assignment_index(symb) is None: raise ValueError(f'Symbol {symb} defined after being used') return statements @staticmethod def _canonicalize_name(name: str) -> None: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Name of a model has to be of string type") @staticmethod def _canonicalize_dependent_variables( dvs: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, int]] ) -> frozenmapping[Expr, int]: if dvs is None: dvs = {Expr.symbol('y'): 1} for key, value in dvs.items(): if isinstance(key, str): key = Expr.symbol(key) if not (isinstance(key, Expr) and key.is_symbol()): raise TypeError("Dependent variable keys must be a string or a symbol") if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Dependent variable values must be of int type") return frozenmapping(dvs) @staticmethod def _canonicalize_observation_transformation( obs: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, TExpr]], dvs: frozenmapping[Expr, int], ) -> frozenmapping[Expr, Expr]: if obs is None: obs = {dv: dv for dv in dvs.keys()} for key, value in obs.items(): key = Expr(key) value = Expr(value) return frozenmapping(obs) @staticmethod def _canonicalize_parameters(params: Optional[Parameters]) -> Parameters: if params is None: return Parameters() else: if not isinstance(params, Parameters): raise TypeError("parameters must be of Parameters type") return params @staticmethod def _canonicalize_execution_steps(steps: Optional[ExecutionSteps]) -> ExecutionSteps: if steps is None: return ExecutionSteps() else: if not isinstance(steps, ExecutionSteps): raise TypeError("model.execution_steps must be of ExecutionSteps type") return steps
[docs] def replace(self, **kwargs) -> Self: name = kwargs.get('name', Model._canonicalize_name(name) description = kwargs.get('description', self.description) internals = kwargs.get('internals', self._internals) initial_individual_estimates = kwargs.get( 'initial_individual_estimates', self.initial_individual_estimates ) for key_name in ( 'name', 'description', 'internals', 'initial_individual_estimates', ): try: kwargs.pop(key_name) except KeyError: pass if 'dependent_variables' in kwargs: dependent_variables = Model._canonicalize_dependent_variables( kwargs['dependent_variables'] ) kwargs.pop('dependent_variables') else: dependent_variables = self.dependent_variables if 'observation_transformation' in kwargs: observation_transformation = Model._canonicalize_observation_transformation( kwargs['observation_transformation'], dependent_variables ) kwargs.pop('observation_transformation') else: observation_transformation = self.observation_transformation if 'parameters' in kwargs: parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameters(kwargs['parameters']) kwargs.pop('parameters') else: parameters = self.parameters if 'random_variables' in kwargs: random_variables = Model._canonicalize_random_variables(kwargs['random_variables']) kwargs.pop('random_variables') else: random_variables = self.random_variables parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameter_estimates(parameters, random_variables) if 'dataset' in kwargs: dataset = kwargs['dataset'] new_dataset = True kwargs.pop('dataset') else: dataset = self._dataset new_dataset = False if 'datainfo' in kwargs: datainfo = kwargs['datainfo'] if not isinstance(datainfo, DataInfo): raise TypeError("model.datainfo must be of DataInfo type") new_datainfo = True kwargs.pop('datainfo') else: datainfo = self._datainfo new_datainfo = False if new_dataset and dataset is not None: datainfo = update_datainfo(datainfo, dataset) if not new_datainfo: datainfo = datainfo.replace(path=None) # Has to be checked after datainfo is updated since it looks for symbols in datainfo as well if 'statements' in kwargs: statements = Model._canonicalize_statements( kwargs['statements'], parameters, random_variables, datainfo ) kwargs.pop('statements') else: statements = self.statements if 'execution_steps' in kwargs: execution_steps = Model._canonicalize_execution_steps(kwargs['execution_steps']) kwargs.pop('execution_steps') else: execution_steps = self.execution_steps if 'value_type' in kwargs: value_type = Model._canonicalize_value_type(kwargs['value_type']) kwargs.pop('value_type') else: value_type = self.value_type if len(kwargs) != 0: raise ValueError(f'Invalid keywords given : {[key for key in kwargs.keys()]}') return self.__class__( name=name, dependent_variables=dependent_variables, parameters=parameters, random_variables=random_variables, statements=statements, dataset=dataset, datainfo=datainfo, execution_steps=execution_steps, initial_individual_estimates=initial_individual_estimates, value_type=value_type, description=description, internals=internals, observation_transformation=observation_transformation, )
def __eq__(self, other): """Compare two models for equality Tests whether a model is equal to another model. This ignores implementation-specific details such as NONMEM $DATA and FILE pointers, or certain $TABLE printing options. Parameters ---------- other : Model Other model to compare this one with Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.model import Model >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> a = load_example_model("pheno") >>> a == a True >>> a == None False >>> b = load_example_model("pheno") >>> b == a True >>> a = a.replace(name='a') >>> b = b.replace(name='b') >>> a == b True """ if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, Model): return NotImplemented if self.parameters != other.parameters: return False if self.random_variables != other.random_variables: return False if self.statements != other.statements: return False if self.dependent_variables != other.dependent_variables: return False if self.observation_transformation != other.observation_transformation: return False if self.execution_steps != other.execution_steps: return False if self.initial_individual_estimates is None: if other.initial_individual_estimates is not None: return False else: if other.initial_individual_estimates is None: return False elif not self.initial_individual_estimates.equals(other.initial_individual_estimates): return False if self.datainfo != other.datainfo: return False if self.value_type != other.value_type: return False return True @cache_method def __hash__(self): dataset_hash = hash_df_runtime(self._dataset) if self._dataset is not None else None return hash( ( self._parameters, self._random_variables, self._statements, self._dependent_variables, self._observation_transformation, self._execution_steps, self._initial_individual_estimates, self._datainfo, dataset_hash, self._value_type, ) )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: if self._initial_individual_estimates is not None: ie = self._initial_individual_estimates.to_dict() else: ie = None depvars = {str(key): val for key, val in self._dependent_variables.items()} obstrans = { key.serialize(): val.serialize() for key, val in self._observation_transformation.items() } return { 'parameters': self._parameters.to_dict(), 'random_variables': self._random_variables.to_dict(), 'statements': self._statements.to_dict(), 'execution_steps': self._execution_steps.to_dict(), 'datainfo': self._datainfo.to_dict(), 'value_type': self._value_type, 'dependent_variables': depvars, 'observation_transformation': obstrans, 'initial_individual_estimates': ie, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Model: ie_dict = d['initial_individual_estimates'] if ie_dict is None: ie = None else: ie = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ie_dict) depvars = {Expr.symbol(key): value for key, value in d['dependent_variables'].items()} obstrans = { Expr.deserialize(key): Expr.deserialize(val) for key, val in d['observation_transformation'].items() } return cls( parameters=Parameters.from_dict(d['parameters']), random_variables=RandomVariables.from_dict(d['random_variables']), statements=Statements.from_dict(d['statements']), execution_steps=ExecutionSteps.from_dict(d['execution_steps']), datainfo=DataInfo.from_dict(d['datainfo']), value_type=d['value_type'], dependent_variables=frozenmapping(depvars), observation_transformation=frozenmapping(obstrans), initial_individual_estimates=ie, )
def __repr__(self): return f'<Pharmpy model object {}>' def _repr_html_(self) -> str: stat = self.statements._repr_html_() rvs = self.random_variables._repr_latex_() params = self.parameters._repr_html_() return f'<hr>{stat}<hr>${rvs}$<hr>{params}<hr>' @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the model""" return self._name @property def dependent_variables(self) -> frozenmapping[Expr, int]: """The dependent variables of the model mapped to the corresponding DVIDs""" return self._dependent_variables @property def value_type(self) -> str: """The type of the model value (dependent variables) By default this is set to 'PREDICTION' to mean that the model outputs a prediction. It could optionally be set to 'LIKELIHOOD' or '-2LL' to let the model output the likelihood or -2*log(likelihood) of the prediction. If set to a symbol this variable can be used to change the type for different records. The model would then set this symbol to 0 for a prediction value, 1 for likelihood and 2 for -2ll. """ return self._value_type @property def observation_transformation(self) -> frozenmapping[Expr, Expr]: """Transformation to be applied to the observation data""" return self._observation_transformation @property def parameters(self) -> Parameters: """Definitions of population parameters See :class:`pharmpy.Parameters` """ return self._parameters @property def random_variables(self) -> RandomVariables: """Definitions of random variables See :class:`pharmpy.RandomVariables` """ return self._random_variables @property def statements(self) -> Statements: """Definitions of model statements See :class:`pharmpy.Statements` """ return self._statements @property def execution_steps(self) -> ExecutionSteps: """Definitions of estimation steps See :class:`pharmpy.ExecutionSteps` """ return self._execution_steps @property def datainfo(self) -> DataInfo: """Definitions of model statements See :class:`pharmpy.Statements` """ return self._datainfo @property def dataset(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Dataset connected to model""" return self._dataset @property def initial_individual_estimates(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Initial estimates for individual parameters""" return self._initial_individual_estimates @property def internals(self) -> Optional[ModelInternals]: """Internal data for tool specific part of model""" return self._internals @property def code(self) -> str: """Model type specific code""" d = self.to_dict() d['__magic__'] = "Pharmpy Model" d['__version__'] = pharmpy.__version__ return json.dumps(d)
[docs] def has_same_dataset_as(self, other: Model) -> bool: """Check if this model has the same dataset as another model Parameters ---------- other : Model Another model Returns ------- bool True if both models have the same dataset """ if self.dataset is None: if other.dataset is None: return True else: return False if other.dataset is None: return False # NOTE: Rely on duck-typing here (?) return self.dataset.equals(other.dataset)
@property def description(self) -> str: """A free text description of the model""" return self._description
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_model(path: Union[Path, str], missing_data_token: Optional[str] = None): """Create a model object by parsing a model file of any supported type Parameters ---------- path : Path or str Path to a model file missing_data_token : str Set to override the configuration Returns ------- Model A model object """ path = Path(path) with open(path, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as fp: code = model_module = detect_model(code) model = model_module.parse_model(code, path, missing_data_token=missing_data_token) return model
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_model_from_string(code: str) -> Model: """Create a model object by parsing a string with model code of any supported type Parameters ---------- code : str Model code Returns ------- Model A model object """ model_module = detect_model(code) model = model_module.parse_model(code, None) return model
[docs] def update_source(self) -> Model: """Update source code of the model. If any paths need to be changed or added (e.g. for a NONMEM model with an updated dataset) they will be replaced with DUMMYPATH""" return self
[docs] def write_files(self, path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, force: bool = False) -> Model: """Write all extra files needed for a specific external format.""" return self
def update_datainfo(curdi: DataInfo, dataset: pd.DataFrame) -> DataInfo: colnames = dataset.columns columns = [] for colname in colnames: try: col = curdi[colname] except IndexError: datatype = ColumnInfo.convert_pd_dtype_to_datatype(dataset.dtypes[colname].name) col = ColumnInfo.create(colname, datatype=datatype) columns.append(col) newdi = curdi.replace(columns=columns) # NOTE: Remove path if dataset has been updated return curdi if newdi == curdi else newdi.replace(path=None)
[docs] def get_and_check_odes(model: Model) -> CompartmentalSystem: """Get the ode_system from model and raise if not a CompartmentalSystem Parameters ---------- model : Model Pharmpy model object Returns ------- CompartmentalSystem The compartmental system if it exists """ odes = model.statements.ode_system if not isinstance(odes, CompartmentalSystem): raise ValueError(f'Model {} has no ODE system') return odes
[docs] def get_and_check_dataset(model: Model) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the ode_system from model and raise if not a CompartmentalSystem Parameters ---------- model : Model Pharmpy model object Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The dataset if it exists """ dataset = model.dataset if dataset is None: raise ValueError(f"Model {} has no dataset") return dataset