Source code for pharmpy.model.model

Generic Model class

**Base class of all implementations.**

Inherit to *implement*, i.e. to define support for a specific model type.


from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import json
import warnings
from import Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union

import pharmpy
from pharmpy.basic import Expr, TExpr, TSymbol
from pharmpy.internals.df import hash_df_runtime
from pharmpy.internals.immutable import Immutable, cache_method, frozenmapping
from pharmpy.model.external import detect_model

from .datainfo import ColumnInfo, DataInfo
from .execution_steps import ExecutionSteps
from .parameters import Parameters
from .random_variables import RandomVariables
from .statements import CompartmentalSystem, Statements

    import pandas as pd
    from pharmpy.deps import pandas as pd

[docs] class ModelError(Exception): """Exception for errors in model object""" pass
[docs] class ModelSyntaxError(ModelError): """Exception for Syntax errors in model code""" def __init__(self, msg='model syntax error'): super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class ModelfitResultsError(ModelError): """Exception for issues with ModelfitResults""" pass
@dataclass(frozen=True) class ModelInternals: def __init__(self): pass def replace(self, **kwargs): return dataclasses.replace(self, **kwargs)
[docs] class Model(Immutable): """The Pharmpy model class""" filename_extension = '.ppmod' def __init__( self, name: str = '', parameters: Parameters = Parameters(), random_variables: RandomVariables = RandomVariables.create(()), statements: Statements = Statements(), dataset: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, datainfo: DataInfo = DataInfo(), dependent_variables: frozenmapping[Expr, int] = frozenmapping({Expr.symbol('y'): 1}), observation_transformation: Optional[frozenmapping[Expr, Expr]] = None, execution_steps: ExecutionSteps = ExecutionSteps(), parent_model: Optional[str] = None, initial_individual_estimates: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, value_type: str = 'PREDICTION', description: str = '', internals: Optional[ModelInternals] = None, ): self._name = name self._datainfo = datainfo self._dataset = dataset self._random_variables = random_variables self._parameters = parameters self._statements = statements self._dependent_variables = dependent_variables if observation_transformation is None: observation_transformation = frozenmapping( {dv: dv for dv in dependent_variables.keys()} ) self._observation_transformation = observation_transformation self._execution_steps = execution_steps self._parent_model = parent_model self._initial_individual_estimates = initial_individual_estimates self._value_type = value_type self._description = description self._internals = internals
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, name: str, parameters: Optional[Parameters] = None, random_variables: Optional[RandomVariables] = None, statements: Optional[Statements] = None, dataset: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, datainfo: DataInfo = DataInfo(), dependent_variables: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, int]] = None, observation_transformation: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, TExpr]] = None, execution_steps: Optional[ExecutionSteps] = None, parent_model: Optional[str] = None, initial_individual_estimates: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, value_type: str = 'PREDICTION', description: str = '', internals: Optional[ModelInternals] = None, ): Model._canonicalize_name(name) dvs = Model._canonicalize_dependent_variables(dependent_variables) obs_transformation = Model._canonicalize_observation_transformation( observation_transformation, dvs ) parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameters(parameters) random_variables = Model._canonicalize_random_variables(random_variables) parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameter_estimates(parameters, random_variables) execution_steps = Model._canonicalize_execution_steps(execution_steps) value_type = Model._canonicalize_value_type(value_type) if not isinstance(datainfo, DataInfo): raise TypeError("model.datainfo must be of DataInfo type") if dataset is not None: datainfo = update_datainfo(datainfo, dataset) statements = Model._canonicalize_statements( statements, parameters, random_variables, datainfo ) return cls( name=name, dependent_variables=dvs, observation_transformation=obs_transformation, parameters=parameters, random_variables=random_variables, execution_steps=execution_steps, statements=statements, description=description, parent_model=parent_model, value_type=value_type, internals=internals, initial_individual_estimates=initial_individual_estimates, dataset=dataset, datainfo=datainfo, )
@staticmethod def _canonicalize_value_type(value: str) -> str: allowed_strings = ('PREDICTION', 'LIKELIHOOD', '-2LL') if isinstance(value, str): if value.upper() not in allowed_strings: raise ValueError( f"Cannot set value_type to {value}. Must be one of {allowed_strings} " f"or a symbol" ) value = value.upper() elif not (isinstance(value, Expr) and value.is_symbol()): raise ValueError(f"Can only set value_type to one of {allowed_strings} or a symbol") return value @staticmethod def _canonicalize_parameter_estimates(params, rvs) -> Parameters: inits = params.inits if not rvs.validate_parameters(inits): nearest = rvs.nearest_valid_parameters(inits) before, after = compare_before_after_params(inits, nearest) warnings.warn( f"Adjusting initial estimates to create positive semidefinite " f"omega/sigma matrices.\nBefore adjusting: {before}.\n" f"After adjusting: {after}" ) params = params.set_initial_estimates(nearest) return params @staticmethod def _canonicalize_random_variables(rvs: Optional[RandomVariables]) -> RandomVariables: if isinstance(rvs, RandomVariables): return rvs elif rvs is None: return RandomVariables.create() else: raise TypeError("model.random_variables must be of RandomVariables type") @staticmethod def _canonicalize_statements( statements: Optional[Statements], params: Parameters, rvs: RandomVariables, datainfo: DataInfo, ) -> Statements: if statements is None: return Statements() if not isinstance(statements, Statements): raise TypeError("model.statements must be of Statements type") colnames = {Expr.symbol(colname) for colname in datainfo.names} symbs_all = rvs.free_symbols.union(params.symbols).union(colnames) if statements.ode_system is not None: symbs_all = symbs_all.union({statements.ode_system.t}) for i, statement in enumerate(statements): if isinstance(statement, CompartmentalSystem): continue symbs = statement.expression.free_symbols if not symbs.issubset(symbs_all): # E.g. after solve_ode_system if statement.symbol.is_function(): symbs_all.add(Expr.symbol( for arg in statement.symbol.args: if arg.is_symbol(): symbs_all.add(arg) for symb in symbs: if symb in symbs_all: continue if str(symb) == 'NaN': continue if statements.find_assignment(symb) is None: raise ValueError(f'Symbol {symb} is not defined') if statements[:i].find_assignment_index(symb) is None: raise ValueError(f'Symbol {symb} defined after being used') return statements @staticmethod def _canonicalize_name(name: str) -> None: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Name of a model has to be of string type") @staticmethod def _canonicalize_dependent_variables( dvs: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, int]] ) -> frozenmapping[Expr, int]: if dvs is None: dvs = {Expr.symbol('y'): 1} for key, value in dvs.items(): if isinstance(key, str): key = Expr.symbol(key) if not (isinstance(key, Expr) and key.is_symbol()): raise TypeError("Dependent variable keys must be a string or a symbol") if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Dependent variable values must be of int type") return frozenmapping(dvs) @staticmethod def _canonicalize_observation_transformation( obs: Optional[Mapping[TSymbol, TExpr]], dvs: frozenmapping[Expr, int], ) -> frozenmapping[Expr, Expr]: if obs is None: obs = {dv: dv for dv in dvs.keys()} for key, value in obs.items(): key = Expr(key) value = Expr(value) return frozenmapping(obs) @staticmethod def _canonicalize_parameters(params: Optional[Parameters]) -> Parameters: if params is None: return Parameters() else: if not isinstance(params, Parameters): raise TypeError("parameters must be of Parameters type") return params @staticmethod def _canonicalize_execution_steps(steps: Optional[ExecutionSteps]) -> ExecutionSteps: if steps is None: return ExecutionSteps() else: if not isinstance(steps, ExecutionSteps): raise TypeError("model.execution_steps must be of ExecutionSteps type") return steps
[docs] def replace(self, **kwargs) -> Model: name = kwargs.get('name', Model._canonicalize_name(name) description = kwargs.get('description', self.description) internals = kwargs.get('internals', self._internals) parent_model = kwargs.get('parent_model', self.parent_model) initial_individual_estimates = kwargs.get( 'initial_individual_estimates', self.initial_individual_estimates ) for key_name in ( 'name', 'description', 'internals', 'parent_model', 'initial_individual_estimates', ): try: kwargs.pop(key_name) except KeyError: pass if 'dependent_variables' in kwargs: dependent_variables = Model._canonicalize_dependent_variables( kwargs['dependent_variables'] ) kwargs.pop('dependent_variables') else: dependent_variables = self.dependent_variables if 'observation_transformation' in kwargs: observation_transformation = Model._canonicalize_observation_transformation( kwargs['observation_transformation'], dependent_variables ) kwargs.pop('observation_transformation') else: observation_transformation = self.observation_transformation if 'parameters' in kwargs: parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameters(kwargs['parameters']) kwargs.pop('parameters') else: parameters = self.parameters if 'random_variables' in kwargs: random_variables = Model._canonicalize_random_variables(kwargs['random_variables']) kwargs.pop('random_variables') else: random_variables = self.random_variables parameters = Model._canonicalize_parameter_estimates(parameters, random_variables) if 'dataset' in kwargs: dataset = kwargs['dataset'] new_dataset = True kwargs.pop('dataset') else: dataset = self._dataset new_dataset = False if 'datainfo' in kwargs: datainfo = kwargs['datainfo'] if not isinstance(datainfo, DataInfo): raise TypeError("model.datainfo must be of DataInfo type") new_datainfo = True kwargs.pop('datainfo') else: datainfo = self._datainfo new_datainfo = False if new_dataset and dataset is not None: datainfo = update_datainfo(datainfo, dataset) if not new_datainfo: datainfo = datainfo.replace(path=None) # Has to be checked after datainfo is updated since it looks for symbols in datainfo as well if 'statements' in kwargs: statements = Model._canonicalize_statements( kwargs['statements'], parameters, random_variables, datainfo ) kwargs.pop('statements') else: statements = self.statements if 'execution_steps' in kwargs: execution_steps = Model._canonicalize_execution_steps(kwargs['execution_steps']) kwargs.pop('execution_steps') else: execution_steps = self.execution_steps if 'value_type' in kwargs: value_type = Model._canonicalize_value_type(kwargs['value_type']) kwargs.pop('value_type') else: value_type = self.value_type if len(kwargs) != 0: raise ValueError(f'Invalid keywords given : {[key for key in kwargs.keys()]}') return self.__class__( name=name, dependent_variables=dependent_variables, parameters=parameters, random_variables=random_variables, statements=statements, dataset=dataset, datainfo=datainfo, execution_steps=execution_steps, parent_model=parent_model, initial_individual_estimates=initial_individual_estimates, value_type=value_type, description=description, internals=internals, observation_transformation=observation_transformation, )
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Compare two models for equality Tests whether a model is equal to another model. This ignores implementation-specific details such as NONMEM $DATA and FILE pointers, or certain $TABLE printing options. Parameters ---------- other : Model Other model to compare this one with Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.model import Model >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> a = load_example_model("pheno") >>> a == a True >>> a == 0 Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Cannot compare Model with <class 'int'> >>> a == None Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Cannot compare Model with <class 'NoneType'> >>> b = load_example_model("pheno") >>> b == a True >>> a = a.replace(name='a') >>> b = b.replace(name='b') >>> a == b True """ if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, Model): raise NotImplementedError(f'Cannot compare Model with {type(other)}') if self.parameters != other.parameters: return False if self.random_variables != other.random_variables: return False if self.statements != other.statements: return False if self.dependent_variables != other.dependent_variables: return False if self.observation_transformation != other.observation_transformation: return False if self.execution_steps != other.execution_steps: return False if self.initial_individual_estimates is None: if other.initial_individual_estimates is not None: return False else: if other.initial_individual_estimates is None: return False elif not self.initial_individual_estimates.equals(other.initial_individual_estimates): return False if self.datainfo != other.datainfo: return False if self.value_type != other.value_type: return False return True @cache_method def __hash__(self): dataset_hash = hash_df_runtime(self._dataset) if self._dataset is not None else None return hash( ( self._parameters, self._random_variables, self._statements, self._dependent_variables, self._observation_transformation, self._execution_steps, self._initial_individual_estimates, self._datainfo, dataset_hash, self._value_type, ) )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: if self._initial_individual_estimates is not None: ie = self._initial_individual_estimates.to_dict() else: ie = None depvars = {str(key): val for key, val in self._dependent_variables.items()} obstrans = { key.serialize(): val.serialize() for key, val in self._observation_transformation.items() } return { 'parameters': self._parameters.to_dict(), 'random_variables': self._random_variables.to_dict(), 'statements': self._statements.to_dict(), 'execution_steps': self._execution_steps.to_dict(), 'datainfo': self._datainfo.to_dict(), 'value_type': self._value_type, 'dependent_variables': depvars, 'observation_transformation': obstrans, 'initial_individual_estimates': ie, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Model: ie_dict = d['initial_individual_estimates'] if ie_dict is None: ie = None else: ie = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ie_dict) depvars = {Expr.symbol(key): value for key, value in d['dependent_variables'].items()} obstrans = { Expr.deserialize(key): Expr.deserialize(val) for key, val in d['observation_transformation'].items() } return cls( parameters=Parameters.from_dict(d['parameters']), random_variables=RandomVariables.from_dict(d['random_variables']), statements=Statements.from_dict(d['statements']), execution_steps=ExecutionSteps.from_dict(d['execution_steps']), datainfo=DataInfo.from_dict(d['datainfo']), value_type=d['value_type'], dependent_variables=frozenmapping(depvars), observation_transformation=frozenmapping(obstrans), initial_individual_estimates=ie, )
def __repr__(self): return f'<Pharmpy model object {}>' def _repr_html_(self) -> str: stat = self.statements._repr_html_() rvs = self.random_variables._repr_latex_() return f'<hr>{stat}<hr>${rvs}$<hr>{self.parameters._repr_html_()}<hr>' @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the model""" return self._name @property def dependent_variables(self) -> frozenmapping[Expr, int]: """The dependent variables of the model mapped to the corresponding DVIDs""" return self._dependent_variables @property def value_type(self) -> str: """The type of the model value (dependent variables) By default this is set to 'PREDICTION' to mean that the model outputs a prediction. It could optionally be set to 'LIKELIHOOD' or '-2LL' to let the model output the likelihood or -2*log(likelihood) of the prediction. If set to a symbol this variable can be used to change the type for different records. The model would then set this symbol to 0 for a prediction value, 1 for likelihood and 2 for -2ll. """ return self._value_type @property def observation_transformation(self) -> frozenmapping[Expr, Expr]: """Transformation to be applied to the observation data""" return self._observation_transformation @property def parameters(self) -> Parameters: """Definitions of population parameters See :class:`pharmpy.Parameters` """ return self._parameters @property def random_variables(self) -> RandomVariables: """Definitions of random variables See :class:`pharmpy.RandomVariables` """ return self._random_variables @property def statements(self) -> Statements: """Definitions of model statements See :class:`pharmpy.Statements` """ return self._statements @property def execution_steps(self) -> ExecutionSteps: """Definitions of estimation steps See :class:`pharmpy.ExecutionSteps` """ return self._execution_steps @property def datainfo(self) -> DataInfo: """Definitions of model statements See :class:`pharmpy.Statements` """ return self._datainfo @property def dataset(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Dataset connected to model""" return self._dataset @property def initial_individual_estimates(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Initial estimates for individual parameters""" return self._initial_individual_estimates @property def internals(self) -> Optional[ModelInternals]: """Internal data for tool specific part of model""" return self._internals @property def code(self) -> str: """Model type specific code""" d = self.to_dict() d['__magic__'] = "Pharmpy Model" d['__version__'] = pharmpy.__version__ return json.dumps(d) @property def parent_model(self) -> Optional[str]: """Name of parent model""" return self._parent_model
[docs] def has_same_dataset_as(self, other: Model) -> bool: """Check if this model has the same dataset as another model Parameters ---------- other : Model Another model Returns ------- bool True if both models have the same dataset """ if self.dataset is None: if other.dataset is None: return True else: return False if other.dataset is None: return False # NOTE: Rely on duck-typing here (?) return self.dataset.equals(other.dataset)
@property def description(self) -> str: """A free text description of the model""" return self._description
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_model(path: Union[Path, str]): """Create a model object by parsing a model file of any supported type Parameters ---------- path : Path or str Path to a model file Returns ------- Model A model object """ path = Path(path) with open(path, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as fp: code = model_module = detect_model(code) model = model_module.parse_model(code, path) return model
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_model_from_string(code: str) -> Model: """Create a model object by parsing a string with model code of any supported type Parameters ---------- code : str Model code Returns ------- Model A model object """ model_module = detect_model(code) model = model_module.parse_model(code, None) return model
[docs] def update_source(self) -> Model: """Update source code of the model. If any paths need to be changed or added (e.g. for a NONMEM model with an updated dataset) they will be replaced with DUMMYPATH""" return self
[docs] def write_files(self, path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, force: bool = False) -> Model: """Write all extra files needed for a specific external format.""" return self
def compare_before_after_params(old, new): # FIXME: Move this to the right module before = {} after = {} for key, value in old.items(): if new[key] != value: before[key] = value after[key] = new[key] return before, after def update_datainfo(curdi: DataInfo, dataset: pd.DataFrame) -> DataInfo: colnames = dataset.columns columns = [] for colname in colnames: try: col = curdi[colname] except IndexError: datatype = ColumnInfo.convert_pd_dtype_to_datatype(dataset.dtypes[colname].name) col = ColumnInfo.create(colname, datatype=datatype) columns.append(col) newdi = curdi.replace(columns=columns) # NOTE: Remove path if dataset has been updated return curdi if newdi == curdi else newdi.replace(path=None)