pharmpy.math module

pharmpy.math.conditional_joint_normal(mu, sigma, a)[source]

Give parameters of the conditional joint normal distribution

The condition is the last len(a) values


pharmpy.math.corr2cov(corr, sd)[source]

Convert correlation matrix to covariance matrix

  • corr – Correlation matrix (ones on diagonal)

  • sd – One dimensional array of standard deviations


Convert covariance matrix to correlation matrix


Convert a vector containing the elements of a lower triangular matrix into a full symmetric matrix

pharmpy.math.is_near_target(x, target, zero_limit, significant_digits)[source]

Checks whether a matrix is positive definite


Return the nearest positive definite matrix in the Frobenius norm to a matrix

A Python/Numpy port of John D’Errico’s nearestSPD MATLAB code [1], which credits [2]. [1] [2] N.J. Higham, “Computing a nearest symmetric positive semidefinite matrix” (1988): [3]

pharmpy.math.round_and_keep_sum(x, s)[source]

Round values in Series x and their sum must be s

Algorithm: Floor all elements in series. If sum not correct add one to element with

highest fractional part until sum is reached.

pharmpy.math.round_to_n_sigdig(x, n)[source]
pharmpy.math.sample_truncated_joint_normal(mu, sigma, a, b, n, seed=None)[source]

Give an array of samples from the truncated joint normal distributon using sample rejection - mu, sigma - parameters for the normal distribution - a, b - vectors of lower and upper limits for each random variable - n - number of samples

pharmpy.math.se_delta_method(expr, values, cov)[source]

Use the delta method to estimate the standard error of a function of parameters with covariance matrix available.

  • expr – A sympy expression for the function of parameters

  • cov – Dataframe with symbol names as indices must include at least all parameters needed for expr

  • values – dict/series parameter estimates. Must include at least all parameters needed for expr


Approximation of the standard error


Calculate the triangular root of x. I.e. if x is a triangular number T_n what is n?