Source code for pharmpy.statements

import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sequence

import networkx as nx
import sympy

import pharmpy.unicode as unicode

[docs]def sympify(expr): ns = {'Q': sympy.Symbol('Q')} return sympy.sympify(expr, locals=ns)
class Statement(ABC): """Abstract base class for all types of statements""" def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Statements): return Statements((self,) + other._statements) elif isinstance(other, Statement): return Statements((self, other)) else: return Statements((self,) + tuple(other)) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Statement): return Statements((other, self)) else: return Statements(tuple(other) + (self,)) @abstractmethod def subs(self, substitutions): pass @property @abstractmethod def free_symbols(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def rhs_symbols(self): pass
[docs]class Assignment(Statement): """Representation of variable assignment This class represents an assignment of an expression to a variable. Multiple assignments are combined together into a Statements object. Parameters ---------- symbol : sympy.Symbol or str Symbol of statement expression : sympy.Expr Expression of assignment """ def __init__(self, symbol, expression): self._symbol = symbol self._expression = expression
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, symbol, expression): if isinstance(symbol, str): symbol = sympy.Symbol(symbol) if not (symbol.is_Symbol or symbol.is_Derivative or symbol.is_Function): raise TypeError("symbol of Assignment must be a Symbol or str representing a symbol") if isinstance(expression, str): expression = sympify(expression) return cls(symbol, expression)
@property def symbol(self): """Symbol of statement""" return self._symbol @property def expression(self): """Expression of assignment""" return self._expression
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute expressions or symbols in assignment Parameters ---------- substitutions : dict old-new pairs Return ------ Assignment Updated assignment object Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Assignment >>> a = Assignment.create('CL', 'POP_CL + ETA_CL') >>> a CL = ETA_CL + POP_CL >>> b = a.subs({'ETA_CL' : 'ETA_CL * WGT'}) >>> b CL = ETA_CL⋅WGT + POP_CL """ symbol = self.symbol.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True) expression = self.expression.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True) return Assignment(symbol, expression)
@property def free_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the assignment Note that the left hand side symbol will be in the set Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Assignment >>> a = Assignment.create('CL', 'POP_CL + ETA_CL') >>> a.free_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {CL, ETA_CL, POP_CL} """ symbols = {self.symbol} symbols |= self.expression.free_symbols return symbols @property def rhs_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the right hand side expression Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Assignment >>> a = Assignment.create('CL', 'POP_CL + ETA_CL') >>> a.rhs_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {ETA_CL, POP_CL} """ return self.expression.free_symbols def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, Assignment) and self.symbol == other.symbol and self.expression == other.expression ) def __repr__(self): expression = sympy.pretty(self.expression) lines = [line.rstrip() for line in expression.split('\n')] definition = f'{sympy.pretty(self.symbol)} = ' s = '' for line in lines: if line == lines[-1]: s += definition + line + '\n' else: s += len(definition) * ' ' + line + '\n' return s.rstrip() def _repr_latex_(self): sym = sympy.latex(self.symbol) expr = sympy.latex(self.expression, mul_symbol='dot') return f'${sym} = {expr}$'
[docs]class ODESystem(Statement, ABC): """Abstract base class for ODE systems of different forms""" t = sympy.Symbol('t')
def _bracket(a): """Append a left bracket for an array of lines""" if len(a) == 1: return '{' + a[0] if len(a) == 2: a.append('') if (len(a) % 2) == 0: upper = len(a) // 2 - 1 else: upper = len(a) // 2 a[0] = '⎧' + a[0] for i in range(1, upper): a[i] = '⎪' + a[i] a[upper] = '⎨' + a[upper] for i in range(upper + 1, len(a) - 1): a[i] = '⎪' + a[i] a[-1] = '⎩' + a[-1] return '\n'.join(a) + '\n'
[docs]class ExplicitODESystem(ODESystem): """System of ODEs described explicitly Parameters ---------- odes : list Symbolic differential equations ics : dict Symbolic initial conditions Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import ExplicitODESystem >>> import sympy >>> A_DEPOT = sympy.Function('A_DEPOT') >>> A_CENTRAL = sympy.Function('A_CENTRAL') >>> t = ExplicitODESystem.t >>> AMT, KA, K = sympy.symbols('AMT KA K') >>> eq1 = sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(A_DEPOT(t), t), -KA * A_DEPOT(t)) >>> eq2 = sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(A_CENTRAL(t)), -K*A_CENTRAL(t) + KA*A_DEPOT(t)) >>> ics = {A_DEPOT(0): AMT, A_CENTRAL(0): 0} >>> odes = ExplicitODESystem([eq1, eq2], ics) >>> odes ⎧d ⎪──(A_DEPOT(t)) = -KA⋅A_DEPOT(t) ⎪dt ⎨d ⎪──(A_CENTRAL(t)) = -K⋅A_CENTRAL(t) + KA⋅A_DEPOT(t) ⎪dt ⎪A_DEPOT(0) = AMT ⎩A_CENTRAL(0) = 0 """ def __init__(self, odes, ics): self._odes = odes self._ics = ics @property def odes(self): """List of ordinary differential equations""" return self._odes @property def ics(self): """Initial conditions""" return self._ics @property def free_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the ODE system Returns ------- set Set of symbols Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() >>> odes.free_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {AMT, CL, V, t} """ free = set() for ode in self.odes: free |= ode.free_symbols for key, value in self.ics.items(): free |= key.free_symbols try: # To allow for regular python classes as values for ics free |= value.free_symbols except AttributeError: pass return free
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute expressions or symbols in ODE system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() >>> odes.subs({'AMT': 'DOSE'}) ⎧d -CL⋅A_CENTRAL(t) ⎪──(A_CENTRAL(t)) = ───────────────── ⎪dt V ⎨d CL⋅A_CENTRAL(t) ⎪──(A_OUTPUT(t)) = ─────────────── ⎪dt V ⎪A_CENTRAL(0) = DOSE ⎩A_OUTPUT(0) = 0 <BLANKLINE> """ d = { sympy.Function(str(key))(sympy.Symbol('t')): value for key, value in substitutions.items() } d.update(substitutions) odes = [ode.subs(d) for ode in self.odes] ics = {key.subs(d): value.subs(d) for key, value in self.ics.items()} return ExplicitODESystem(odes, ics)
@property def rhs_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the right hand side expressions Returns ------- set Set of symbols Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() >>> odes.rhs_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {AMT, CL, V, t} """ return self.free_symbols @property def amounts(self): """Column vector of all amount functions Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> import sympy >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() >>> sympy.pprint(odes.amounts) ⎡A_CENTRAL⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣A_OUTPUT ⎦ """ amounts = [ode.lhs.args[0].name for ode in self.odes] return sympy.Matrix(amounts) @property def compartment_names(self): """Names of all compartments Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() >>> odes.compartment_names ['CENTRAL', 'OUTPUT'] """ names = [ode.lhs.args[0].name[2:] for ode in self.odes] return names def __repr__(self): a = [] for ode in self.odes: ode_str = sympy.pretty(ode) a += ode_str.split('\n') for key, value in self.ics.items(): ics_str = sympy.pretty(sympy.Eq(key, value)) a += ics_str.split('\n') return _bracket(a) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): newone = type(self)(copy.copy(self.odes), copy.copy(self.ics)) return newone def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, ExplicitODESystem) and self.odes == other.odes and self.ics == other.ics ) def _repr_latex_(self): rows = [] for ode in self.odes: ode_repr = sympy.latex(ode, mul_symbol='dot') rows.append(ode_repr) for k, v in self.ics.items(): ics_eq = sympy.Eq(k, v) ics_repr = sympy.latex(ics_eq, mul_symbol='dot') rows.append(ics_repr) return r'\begin{cases} ' + r' \\ '.join(rows) + r' \end{cases}'
[docs] def to_explicit_system(self, skip_output=False): return self
[docs] def to_compartmental_system(self): """Get the explicit system as a compartmental ODE system Returns ------- CompartmentalSystem The same ODE system in compartmental representation Example ------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> statements = model.statements.to_explicit_system() >>> statements.to_compartmental_system() # doctest: +SKIP """ def convert_name(name): if name.startswith('A_'): return name[2:] else: return name funcs = [eq.lhs.args[0] for eq in self.odes] cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() dose = Bolus(sympy.Symbol("AMT")) # FIXME: not true in general! first = True for f in funcs: if first: comp = Compartment(convert_name(, dose) first = False else: comp = Compartment(convert_name( cb.add_compartment(comp) for eq in self.odes: for comp_func in funcs: dep = eq.rhs.as_independent(comp_func, as_Add=True)[1] if dep == 0: continue terms = sympy.Add.make_args(dep) for term in terms: expr = term / comp_func if term.args[0] != -1: # FIXME: unnecessary conversion cs = CompartmentalSystem(cb) from_comp = cs.find_compartment(convert_name( to_comp = cs.find_compartment(convert_name(eq.lhs.args[0].name)) cb.add_flow(from_comp, to_comp, expr) return CompartmentalSystem(cb)
[docs]class CompartmentalSystemBuilder: """Builder for CompartmentalSystem""" def __init__(self, cs=None): if cs: self._g = cs._g.copy() else: self._g = nx.DiGraph()
[docs] def add_compartment(self, compartment): """Add compartment to system The compartment will be added without any flows to other compartments. Use the add_flow method to add flows to and from the newly added compartment. Parameters ---------- compartment : Compartment Compartment to add Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import CompartmentalSystemBuilder >>> cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() >>> central = cb.add_compartment("CENTRAL") """ self._g.add_node(compartment)
[docs] def remove_compartment(self, compartment): """Remove compartment from system Parameters ---------- compartment : Compartment Compartment object to remove from system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import CompartmentalSystemBuilder >>> cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() >>> central = Compartment("CENTRAL") >>> cb.add_compartment(central) >>> cb.remove_compartment(central) """ self._g.remove_node(compartment)
[docs] def add_flow(self, source, destination, rate): """Add flow between two compartments Parameters ---------- source : Compartment Source compartment destination : Compartment Destination compartment rate : Expression Symbolic rate of flow Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import CompartmentalSystemBuilder >>> cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() >>> depot = Compartment("DEPOT") >>> cb.add_compartment(depot) >>> central = Compartment("CENTRAL") >>> cb.add_compartment("CENTRAL") >>> cb.add_flow(depot, central, "KA") """ self._g.add_edge(source, destination, rate=sympify(rate))
[docs] def remove_flow(self, source, destination): """Remove flow between two compartments Parameters ---------- source : Compartment Source compartment destination : Compartment Destination compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import CompartmentalSystemBuilder >>> cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() >>> depot = Compartment("DEPOT") >>> cb.add_compartment(depot) >>> central = Compartment("CENTRAL") >>> cb.add_compartment(central) >>> cb.add_flow(depot, central, "KA") >>> cb.remove_flow(depot, central) """ self._g.remove_edge(source, destination)
[docs] def move_dose(self, source, destination): """Move a dose input from one compartment to another Parameters ---------- source : Compartment Source compartment destination : Compartment Destination compartment """ new_source = Compartment(, None, source.lag_time, source.bioavailability) new_dest = Compartment(, source.dose, destination.lag_time, destination.bioavailability ) mapping = {source: new_source, destination: new_dest} nx.relabel_nodes(self._g, mapping, copy=False)
[docs] def set_dose(self, compartment, dose): """Set dose of compartment Parameters ---------- compartment : Compartment Compartment for which to change dose dose : Dose New dose Returns ------- Compartment The new updated compartment """ new_comp = Compartment(, dose, compartment.lag_time, compartment.bioavailability ) mapping = {compartment: new_comp} nx.relabel_nodes(self._g, mapping, copy=False) return new_comp
[docs] def set_lag_time(self, compartment, lag_time): """Set lag time of compartment Parameters ---------- compartment : Compartment Compartment for which to change lag time lag_time : expr New lag time Returns ------- Compartment The new updated compartment """ new_comp = Compartment(, compartment.dose, lag_time, compartment.bioavailability ) mapping = {compartment: new_comp} nx.relabel_nodes(self._g, mapping, copy=False) return new_comp
[docs]class CompartmentalSystem(ODESystem): """System of ODEs descibed as a compartmental system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus, CompartmentalSystem >>> cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> central = Compartment("CENTRAL", dose) >>> cb.add_compartment(central) >>> peripheral = Compartment("PERIPHERAL") >>> cb.add_compartment(peripheral) >>> output = Compartment("OUTPUT") >>> cb.add_compartment(output) >>> cb.add_flow(central, peripheral, "K12") >>> cb.add_flow(peripheral, central, "K21") >>> cb.add_flow(central, output, "CL / V") >>> CompartmentalSystem(cb) # doctest: +SKIP Bolus(AMT) ┌──────────┐ │PERIPHERAL│ └──────────┘ ↑ │ K12 K21 │ ↓ ┌───────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌──────┐ │CENTRAL│──K12→│PERIPHERAL│──K21→│ CENTRAL │──CL/V→│OUTPUT│ └───────┘ └──────────┘ └──────────┘ └──────┘ """ def __init__(self, builder): self._g = builder._g.copy() @property def free_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the compartmental system Returns ------- set Set of symbols Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.free_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {AMT, CL, V, t} """ free = {sympy.Symbol('t')} for (_, _, rate) in'rate'): free |= rate.free_symbols for node in self._g.nodes: free |= node.free_symbols return free @property def rhs_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the right hand side expressions Returns ------- set Set of symbols Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.rhs_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {AMT, CL, V, t} """ return self.free_symbols # This works currently
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute expressions or symbols in ODE system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.subs({'AMT': 'DOSE'}) Bolus(DOSE) ┌───────┐ ┌──────┐ │CENTRAL│──CL/V→│OUTPUT│ └───────┘ └──────┘ """ cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder(self) for (u, v, rate) in'rate'): rate_sub = rate.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True) cb._g.edges[u, v]['rate'] = rate_sub mapping = {comp: comp.subs(substitutions) for comp in self._g.nodes} nx.relabel_nodes(cb._g, mapping, copy=False) return CompartmentalSystem(cb)
[docs] def atoms(self, cls): """Get set of all symbolic atoms of some kind For more information see Parameters ---------- cls : type Type of atoms to find Returns ------- set Set of symbolic atoms """ atoms = set() for (_, _, rate) in'rate'): atoms |= rate.atoms(cls) return atoms
def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, CompartmentalSystem) and nx.to_dict_of_dicts(self._g) == nx.to_dict_of_dicts(other._g) and self.dosing_compartment.dose == other.dosing_compartment.dose )
[docs] def get_flow(self, source, destination): """Get the rate of flow between two compartments Parameters ---------- source : Compartment Source compartment destination : Compartment Destination compartment Returns ------- Expression Symbolic rate Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import CompartmentalSystem, Compartment >>> cb = CompartmentalSystemBuilder() >>> depot = Compartment("DEPOT") >>> cb.add_compartment(depot) >>> central = Compartment("CENTRAL") >>> cb.add_compartment(central) >>> cb.add_flow(depot, central, "KA") >>> odes = CompartmentalSystem(cb) >>> odes.get_flow(depot, central) KA >>> odes.get_flow(central, depot) """ try: rate = self._g.edges[source, destination]['rate'] except KeyError: rate = None return rate
[docs] def get_compartment_outflows(self, compartment): """Get list of all flows going out from a compartment Parameters ---------- compartment : Compartment or str Get outflows for this compartment Returns ------- list Pairs of compartments and symbolic rates Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.get_compartment_outflows("CENTRAL") [(Compartment(OUTPUT), CL/V)] """ if isinstance(compartment, str): compartment = self.find_compartment(compartment) flows = [] for node in self._g.successors(compartment): flow = self.get_flow(compartment, node) flows.append((node, flow)) return flows
[docs] def get_compartment_inflows(self, compartment): """Get list of all flows going in to a compartment Parameters ---------- compartment : Compartment or str Get inflows to this compartment Returns ------- list Pairs of compartments and symbolic rates Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.get_compartment_inflows("OUTPUT") [(Compartment(CENTRAL, dose=Bolus(AMT)), CL/V)] """ if isinstance(compartment, str): compartment = self.find_compartment(compartment) flows = [] for node in self._g.predecessors(compartment): flow = self.get_flow(node, compartment) flows.append((node, flow)) return flows
[docs] def find_compartment(self, name): """Find a compartment using its name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of compartment to find Returns ------- Compartment Compartment named name or None if not found Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> central = model.statements.ode_system.find_compartment("CENTRAL") >>> central Compartment(CENTRAL, dose=Bolus(AMT)) """ for comp in self._g.nodes: if == name: return comp else: return None
[docs] def get_n_connected(self, comp): """Get the number of compartments connected to a compartment Parameters ---------- comp : Compartment or str The compartment Returns ------- int Number of compartments connected to comp Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.get_n_connected("CENTRAL") 1 """ out_comps = {c for c, _ in self.get_compartment_outflows(comp)} in_comps = {c for c, _ in self.get_compartment_inflows(comp)} return len(out_comps | in_comps)
@property def output_compartment(self): """Get the output compartment An output compartment is defined to be a compartment that does not have any outward flow. A model has to have one and only one output compartment. Returns ------- Compartment Output compartment of compartmental system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.output_compartment Compartment(OUTPUT) """ zeroout = [node for node, out_degree in self._g.out_degree() if out_degree == 0] if len(zeroout) == 1: return zeroout[0] else: raise ValueError('More than one or zero output compartments') @property def dosing_compartment(self): """The dosing compartment A dosing compartment is a compartment that receives an input dose. Only one dose compartment is supported. Returns ------- Compartment Dosing compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.dosing_compartment Compartment(CENTRAL, dose=Bolus(AMT)) """ for node in self._g.nodes: if node.dose is not None: return node raise ValueError('No dosing compartment exists') @property def central_compartment(self): """The central compartment The central compartment is defined to be the compartment that has an outward flow to the output compartment. Only one central compartment is supported. Returns ------- Compartment Central compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.central_compartment Compartment(CENTRAL, dose=Bolus(AMT)) """ output = self.output_compartment central = next(self._g.predecessors(output)) return central @property def peripheral_compartments(self): """Find perihperal compartments A peripheral compartment is defined as having one flow to the central compartment and one flow from the central compartment. Returns ------- list of compartments Peripheral compartments Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.peripheral_compartments [] """ central = self.central_compartment oneout = {node for node, out_degree in self._g.out_degree() if out_degree == 1} onein = {node for node, in_degree in self._g.in_degree() if in_degree == 1} cout = {comp for comp in oneout if self.get_flow(comp, central) is not None} cin = {comp for comp in onein if self.get_flow(central, comp) is not None} peripherals = list(cout & cin) # Return in deterministic order peripherals = sorted(peripherals, key=lambda comp: return peripherals
[docs] def find_transit_compartments(self, statements): """Find all transit compartments Transit compartments are a chain of compartments with the same out rate starting from the dose compartment. Because one single transit compartment cannot be distinguished from one depot compartment such compartment will be defined to be a depot and not a transit compartment. Returns ------- list of compartments Transit compartments Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.find_transit_compartments(model.statements) [] """ transits = [] comp = self.dosing_compartment if len(self.get_compartment_inflows(comp)) != 0: return transits outflows = self.get_compartment_outflows(comp) if len(outflows) != 1: return transits transits.append(comp) comp, rate = outflows[0] rate = statements.before_odes.full_expression(rate) while True: if len(self.get_compartment_inflows(comp)) != 1: break outflows = self.get_compartment_outflows(comp) if len(outflows) != 1: break next_comp, next_rate = outflows[0] next_rate = statements.before_odes.full_expression(next_rate) if rate != next_rate: break transits.append(comp) comp = next_comp # Special case of one transit directly into central is not defined as a transit # Also not central itself central = self.central_compartment if len(transits) == 1 and ( self.get_flow(transits[0], central) is not None or transits[0] == central ): return [] else: return transits
[docs] def find_depot(self, statements): """Find the depot compartment The depot compartment is defined to be the compartment that only has out flow to the central compartment, but no flow from the central compartment. Returns ------- Compartment Depot compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model, set_first_order_absorption >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> set_first_order_absorption(model) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <...> >>> model.statements.ode_system.find_depot(model.statements) Compartment(DEPOT, dose=Bolus(AMT)) """ transits = self.find_transit_compartments(statements) depot = self._find_depot() if depot in transits: depot = None return depot
def _find_depot(self): central = self.central_compartment depot = None for to_central, _ in self.get_compartment_inflows(central): outflows = self.get_compartment_outflows(to_central) if len(outflows) == 1: inflows = self.get_compartment_inflows(to_central) for in_comp, _ in inflows: if in_comp == central: break else: depot = to_central break return depot @property def compartmental_matrix(self): """Compartmental matrix of the compartmental system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model, set_first_order_absorption >>> import sympy >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> sympy.pprint(model.statements.ode_system.compartmental_matrix) ⎡-CL ⎤ ⎢──── 0⎥ ⎢ V ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ CL ⎥ ⎢ ── 0⎥ ⎣ V ⎦ """ dod = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(self._g) size = len(self._g.nodes) f = sympy.zeros(size) nodes = self._order_compartments() for i in range(0, size): from_comp = nodes[i] diagsum = 0 for j in range(0, size): to_comp = nodes[j] try: rate = dod[from_comp][to_comp]['rate'] except KeyError: rate = 0 f[j, i] = rate diagsum += f[j, i] f[i, i] -= diagsum return f @property def amounts(self): """Column vector of amounts for all compartments Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> import sympy >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> sympy.pprint(model.statements.ode_system.amounts) ⎡A_CENTRAL⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣A_OUTPUT ⎦ """ ordered_cmts = self._order_compartments() amts = [cmt.amount for cmt in ordered_cmts] return sympy.Matrix(amts) @property def compartment_names(self): """Names of all compartments Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system.compartment_names ['CENTRAL', 'OUTPUT'] """ ordered_cmts = self._order_compartments() names = [ for cmt in ordered_cmts] return names def _order_compartments(self): """Return list of all compartments in canonical order""" try: dosecmt = self.dosing_compartment except ValueError: # Fallback for cases where no dose is available (yet) nodes = [node for node in self._g.nodes] return nodes # Order compartments output = self.output_compartment def sortfunc(x): a = list(x) if output in a: a.remove(output) a = sorted(a, key=lambda x: return iter(a) nodes = list(nx.bfs_tree(self._g, dosecmt, sort_neighbors=sortfunc)) nodes.append(output) return nodes @property def zero_order_inputs(self): """Vector of all zero order inputs to each compartment Example ------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model, set_zero_order_absorption >>> import sympy >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> sympy.pprint(model.statements.ode_system.zero_order_inputs) ⎡0⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0⎦ >>> set_zero_order_absorption(model) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <...> >>> sympy.pprint(model.statements.ode_system.zero_order_inputs) ⎡⎧ AMT ⎤ ⎢⎪───── for t < 2⋅MAT⎥ ⎢⎨2⋅MAT ⎥ ⎢⎪ ⎥ ⎢⎩ 0 otherwise ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 0 ⎦ """ inputs = [] for node in self._order_compartments(): # self._g.nodes: if node.dose is not None and isinstance(node.dose, Infusion): if node.dose.rate is not None: expr = node.dose.rate cond = node.dose.amount / node.dose.rate else: expr = node.dose.amount / node.dose.duration cond = node.dose.duration infusion_func = sympy.Piecewise((expr, self.t < cond), (0, True)) inputs.append(infusion_func) else: inputs.append(0) return sympy.Matrix(inputs)
[docs] def to_compartmental_system(self): return self
[docs] def to_explicit_system(self, skip_output=False): """Get the compartmental system as an explicit ODE system Parameters ---------- skip_output : boolean Set to true to leave the output compartment out Results ------- ExplicitODESystem The same ODE system with explicit equations and initial conditions Example ------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() >>> odes ⎧d -CL⋅A_CENTRAL(t) ⎪──(A_CENTRAL(t)) = ───────────────── ⎪dt V ⎨d CL⋅A_CENTRAL(t) ⎪──(A_OUTPUT(t)) = ─────────────── ⎪dt V ⎪A_CENTRAL(0) = AMT ⎩A_OUTPUT(0) = 0 """ amount_funcs = sympy.Matrix([sympy.Function( for amt in self.amounts]) derivatives = sympy.Matrix([sympy.Derivative(fn, self.t) for fn in amount_funcs]) inputs = self.zero_order_inputs a = self.compartmental_matrix @ amount_funcs + inputs eqs = [sympy.Eq(lhs, rhs) for lhs, rhs in zip(derivatives, a)] ics = {} output = self.output_compartment for node in self._g.nodes: if skip_output and node == output: continue if node.dose is not None and isinstance(node.dose, Bolus): if node.lag_time: time = node.lag_time else: time = 0 ics[sympy.Function(] = node.dose.amount else: ics[sympy.Function(] = sympy.Integer(0) if skip_output: eqs = eqs[:-1] return ExplicitODESystem(eqs, ics)
def __len__(self): """The number of compartments including output""" return len(self._g.nodes) def _repr_html_(self): # Use Unicode art for now. There should be ways of drawing networkx s = str(self) return f'<pre>{s}</pre>' def __repr__(self): output = self.output_compartment output_box = unicode.Box( central = self.central_compartment central_box = unicode.Box( depot = self._find_depot() current = self.dosing_compartment if depot: comp = depot else: comp = central transits = [] while current != comp: transits.append(current) current = self.get_compartment_outflows(current)[0][0] periphs = self.peripheral_compartments nrows = 1 + 2 * len(periphs) ncols = 2 * len(transits) + (2 if depot else 0) + 3 grid = unicode.Grid(nrows, ncols) if nrows == 1: main_row = 0 else: main_row = 2 col = 0 for transit in transits: grid.set(main_row, col, unicode.Box( col += 1 grid.set( main_row, col, unicode.Arrow(str(self.get_compartment_outflows(transit)[0][1])) ) col += 1 if depot: grid.set(main_row, col, unicode.Box( col += 1 grid.set(main_row, col, unicode.Arrow(str(self.get_compartment_outflows(depot)[0][1]))) col += 1 central_col = col grid.set(main_row, col, central_box) col += 1 grid.set(main_row, col, unicode.Arrow(str(self.get_flow(central, output)))) col += 1 grid.set(main_row, col, output_box) if periphs: grid.set(0, central_col, unicode.Box(periphs[0].name)) grid.set( 1, central_col, unicode.DualVerticalArrows( str(self.get_flow(central, periphs[0])), str(self.get_flow(periphs[0], central)) ), ) if len(periphs) > 1: grid.set(4, central_col, unicode.Box(periphs[1].name)) grid.set( 3, central_col, unicode.DualVerticalArrows( str(self.get_flow(periphs[1], central)), str(self.get_flow(central, periphs[1])) ), ) dose = self.dosing_compartment.dose s = str(dose) + '\n' + str(grid).rstrip() return s
[docs]class Compartment: """Compartment for a compartmental system Parameters ---------- name : str Compartment name dose : Dose Dose object for dose into this compartment. Default None for no dose. lag_time : Expression Lag time for doses entering this compartment. Default 0 bioavailability : Expression Bioavailability fraction for doses entering this compartment. Default 1 Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus, Compartment >>> comp = Compartment("CENTRAL") >>> comp Compartment(CENTRAL) >>> comp = Compartment("DEPOT", lag_time="ALAG") >>> comp Compartment(DEPOT, lag_time=ALAG) >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> comp = Compartment("DEPOT", dose=dose) >>> comp Compartment(DEPOT, dose=Bolus(AMT)) """ def __init__(self, name, dose=None, lag_time=None, bioavailability=None): self._name = name self._dose = dose if lag_time is None: self._lag_time = sympy.Integer(0) else: self._lag_time = lag_time if bioavailability is None: self._bioavailability = sympy.Integer(1) else: self._bioavailability = bioavailability
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, dose=None, lag_time=None, bioavailability=None): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Name of a Compartment must be of string type") if dose is not None and not isinstance(dose, Dose): raise TypeError("dose must be of Dose type (or None)") if lag_time is not None: lag_time = sympify(lag_time) if bioavailability is not None: bioavailability = sympify(bioavailability) return cls(name, dose, lag_time, bioavailability)
@property def name(self): """Compartment name""" return self._name @property def dose(self): return self._dose @property def lag_time(self): """Lag time for doses into compartment""" return self._lag_time @property def bioavailability(self): """Bioavailability fraction for doses into compartment""" return self._bioavailability @property def amount(self): """Symbol for the amount in the compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Compartment >>> comp = Compartment("CENTRAL") >>> comp.amount A_CENTRAL """ return sympy.Symbol(f'A_{}') @property def free_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus, Compartment >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> comp = Compartment("CENTRAL", dose=dose, lag_time="ALAG") >>> comp.free_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {ALAG, AMT} """ symbs = set() if self.dose is not None: symbs |= self.dose.free_symbols symbs |= self.lag_time.free_symbols return symbs
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute expressions or symbols in compartment Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus, Compartment >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> comp = Compartment("CENTRAL", dose=dose) >>> comp.subs({"AMT": "DOSE"}) Compartment(CENTRAL, dose=Bolus(DOSE)) """ if self.dose is not None: dose = self.dose.subs(substitutions) else: dose = None return Compartment(, dose, self.lag_time.subs(substitutions), self.bioavailability.subs(substitutions), )
def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, Compartment) and == and self.dose == other.dose and self.lag_time == other.lag_time ) def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): lag = '' if self.lag_time == 0 else f', lag_time={self.lag_time}' dose = '' if self.dose is None else f', dose={self.dose}' return f'Compartment({}{dose}{lag})'
class Dose(ABC): """Abstract base class for different types of doses""" @abstractmethod def subs(self, substitutions): ... @property @abstractmethod def free_symbols(self): ...
[docs]class Bolus(Dose): """A Bolus dose Parameters ---------- amount : symbol Symbolic amount of dose Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> dose Bolus(AMT) """ def __init__(self, amount): self._amount = amount
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, amount): return cls(sympify(amount))
@property def amount(self): """Symbolic amount of dose""" return self._amount @property def free_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the dose Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> dose.free_symbols {AMT} """ return {self.amount}
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute expressions or symbols in dose Parameters ---------- substitutions : dict Dictionary of from, to pairs Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Bolus >>> dose = Bolus.create("AMT") >>> dose.subs({'AMT': 'DOSE'}) Bolus(DOSE) """ return Bolus(self.amount.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True))
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Bolus) and self.amount == other.amount def __repr__(self): return f'Bolus({self.amount})'
[docs]class Infusion(Dose): """An infusion dose Parameters ---------- amount : expression Symbolic amount of dose rate : expression Symbolic rate. Mutually exclusive with duration duration : expression Symbolic duration. Mutually excluseive with rate Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Infusion >>> dose = Infusion("AMT", duration="D1") >>> dose Infusion(AMT, duration=D1) >>> dose = Infusion("AMT", rate="R1") >>> dose Infusion(AMT, rate=R1) """ def __init__(self, amount, rate=None, duration=None): self._amount = amount self._rate = rate self._duration = duration
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, amount, rate=None, duration=None): if rate is None and duration is None: raise ValueError('Need rate or duration for Infusion') if rate is not None and duration is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot have both rate and duration for Infusion') if rate is not None: rate = sympify(rate) else: duration = sympify(duration) return cls(sympify(amount), rate, duration)
@property def amount(self): """Symbolic amount of dose""" return self._amount @property def rate(self): """Symbolic rate Mutually exclusive with duration. """ return self._rate @property def duration(self): """Symbolc duration Mutually exclusive with rate. """ return self._duration @property def free_symbols(self): """Get set of all free symbols in the dose Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Infusion >>> dose = Infusion.create("AMT", rate="RATE") >>> dose.free_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {AMT, RATE} """ if self.rate is not None: symbs = self.rate.free_symbols else: symbs = self.duration.free_symbols return symbs | self.amount.free_symbols
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute expressions or symbols in dose Parameters ---------- substitutions : dict Dictionary of from, to pairs Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy import Infusion >>> dose = Infusion.create("AMT", duration="DUR") >>> dose.subs({'DUR': 'D1'}) Infusion(AMT, duration=D1) """ amount = self.amount.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True) if self.rate is not None: rate = self.rate.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True) duration = None else: rate = None duration = self.duration.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True) return Infusion(amount, rate, duration)
def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, Infusion) and self.rate == other.rate and self.duration == other.duration and self.amount == other.amount ) def __repr__(self): if self.rate is not None: arg = f'rate={self.rate}' else: arg = f'duration={self.duration}' return f'Infusion({self.amount}, {arg})'
[docs]class Statements(Sequence): """A sequence of symbolic statements describing the model Two types of statements are supported: Assignment and ODESystem. A Statements object can have 0 or 1 ODESystem. The order of the statements is significant and the same symbol can be assigned to multiple times. Parameters ---------- statements : list or Statements A list of Statement or another Statements to populate this object """ def __init__(self, statements=None): if isinstance(statements, Statements): self._statements = statements._statements elif statements is None: self._statements = () else: self._statements = tuple(statements) def __getitem__(self, ind): if isinstance(ind, slice): return Statements(self._statements[ind.start : ind.stop : ind.step]) else: return self._statements[ind] def __len__(self): return len(self._statements) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Statements): return Statements(self._statements + other._statements) elif isinstance(other, Statement): return Statements(self._statements + (other,)) else: return Statements(self._statements + tuple(other)) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Statement): return Statements((other,) + self._statements) else: return Statements(tuple(other) + self._statements) @property def free_symbols(self): """Get a set of all free symbols Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.free_symbols # doctest: +SKIP {AMT, APGR, A_CENTRAL, BTIME, CL, DV, EPS(1), ETA(1), ETA(2), F, IPRED, IRES, IWRES, S1, TAD, THETA(1), THETA(2), THETA(3), TIME, TVCL, TVV, V, W, WGT, Y, t} """ symbols = set() for assignment in self: symbols |= assignment.free_symbols return symbols @property def ode_system(self): """Returns the ODE system of the model or None if the model doesn't have an ODE system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system Bolus(AMT) ┌───────┐ ┌──────┐ │CENTRAL│──CL/V→│OUTPUT│ └───────┘ └──────┘ """ for s in self: if isinstance(s, ODESystem): return s return None @property def before_odes(self): """All statements before the ODE system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.before_odes ⎧TIME for AMT > 0 BTIME = ⎩ 0 otherwise TAD = -BTIME + TIME TVCL = THETA(1)⋅WGT TVV = THETA(2)⋅WGT ⎧TVV⋅(THETA(3) + 1) for APGR < 5 TVV = ⎩ TVV otherwise ETA(1) CL = TVCL⋅ℯ ETA(2) V = TVV⋅ℯ S₁ = V """ sset = [] for s in self: if isinstance(s, ODESystem): break sset.append(s) return Statements(sset) @property def after_odes(self): """All statements after the ODE system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.after_odes A_CENTRAL ───────── F = S₁ W = F Y = EPS(1)⋅W + F IPRED = F IRES = DV - IPRED IRES ──── IWRES = W """ sset = [] found = False if self.ode_system is None: return Statements() for s in self: if isinstance(s, ODESystem): found = True elif found: sset.append(s) return Statements(sset) @property def error(self): """All statements after the ODE system or the whole model if no ODE system Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.error A_CENTRAL ───────── F = S₁ W = F Y = EPS(1)⋅W + F IPRED = F IRES = DV - IPRED IRES ──── IWRES = W """ sset = [] found = False if self.ode_system is None: return self for s in self: if isinstance(s, ODESystem): found = True elif found: sset.append(s) return Statements(sset)
[docs] def subs(self, substitutions): """Substitute symbols in all statements. Parameters ---------- substitutions : dict Old-new pairs(can be type str or sympy symbol) Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> stats = model.statements.subs({'WGT': 'WT'}) >>> stats.before_odes ⎧TIME for AMT > 0 BTIME = ⎩ 0 otherwise TAD = -BTIME + TIME TVCL = THETA(1)⋅WT TVV = THETA(2)⋅WT ⎧TVV⋅(THETA(3) + 1) for APGR < 5 TVV = ⎩ TVV otherwise ETA(1) CL = TVCL⋅ℯ ETA(2) V = TVV⋅ℯ S₁ = V """ return Statements(s.subs(substitutions) for s in self)
[docs] def find_assignment(self, symbol): """Returns last assignment of symbol Parameters ---------- symbol : Symbol or str Symbol to look for Returns ------- Assignment An Assignment or None if no assignment to symbol exists Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.find_assignment("CL") ETA(1) CL = TVCL⋅ℯ """ symbol = sympify(symbol) assignment = None for statement in self: if isinstance(statement, Assignment): if statement.symbol == symbol: assignment = statement return assignment
[docs] def find_assignment_index(self, symbol): """Returns index of last assignment of symbol Parameters ---------- symbol : Symbol or str Symbol to look for Returns ------- int Index of Assignment or None if no assignment to symbol exists Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.find_assignment_index("CL") 5 """ symbol = sympify(symbol) ind = None for i, statement in enumerate(self): if isinstance(statement, Assignment): if statement.symbol == symbol: ind = i return ind
[docs] def reassign(self, symbol, expression): """Reassign symbol to expression Set symbol to be expression and remove all previous assignments of symbol Parameters ---------- symbol : Symbol or str Symbol to reassign expression : Expression or str The new expression to assign to symbol Return ------ Statements Updated statements Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.reassign("CL", "TVCL + eta") # doctest: +SKIP """ if isinstance(symbol, str): symbol = sympify(symbol) if isinstance(expression, str): expression = sympify(expression) last = True new = list(self._statements) for i, stat in zip(range(len(new) - 1, -1, -1), reversed(new)): if isinstance(stat, Assignment) and stat.symbol == symbol: if last: new[i] = Assignment(symbol, expression) last = False else: del new[i] return Statements(new)
def _create_dependency_graph(self): """Create a graph of dependencies between statements""" graph = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(len(self) - 1, -1, -1): rhs = self[i].rhs_symbols for s in rhs: for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1): if ( isinstance(self[j], Assignment) and self[j].symbol == s or isinstance(self[j], ODESystem) and s in self[j].amounts ): graph.add_edge(i, j) return graph
[docs] def direct_dependencies(self, statement): """Find all direct dependencies of a statement Parameters ---------- statement : Statement Input statement Returns ------- Statements Direct dependency statements Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> odes = model.statements.ode_system >>> model.statements.direct_dependencies(odes) ETA(1) CL = TVCL⋅ℯ ETA(2) V = TVV⋅ℯ """ g = self._create_dependency_graph() index = self.index(statement) succ = sorted(list(g.successors(index))) stats = Statements() stats._statements = [self[i] for i in succ] return stats
[docs] def dependencies(self, symbol): """Find all dependencies of a symbol or statement Parameters ---------- symbol : Symbol, str or Statement Input symbol or statement Returns ------- set Set of symbols Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.dependencies("CL") # doctest: +SKIP {ETA(1), THETA(1), WGT} """ if isinstance(symbol, Statement): i = self.index(symbol) else: symbol = sympify(symbol) for i in range(len(self) - 1, -1, -1): if ( isinstance(self[i], Assignment) and self[i].symbol == symbol or isinstance(self[i], ODESystem) and symbol in self[i].amounts ): break else: raise KeyError(f"Could not find symbol {symbol}") g = self._create_dependency_graph() symbs = self[i].rhs_symbols if i == 0: # Special case for models with only one statement return symbs for j, _ in nx.bfs_predecessors(g, i, sort_neighbors=lambda x: reversed(sorted(x))): if isinstance(self[j], Assignment): symbs -= {self[j].symbol} else: # isinstance(self[j], ODESystem): symbs -= set(self[j].amounts) symbs |= self[j].rhs_symbols return symbs
[docs] def remove_symbol_definitions(self, symbols, statement): """Remove symbols and dependencies not used elsewhere If the statement no longer depends on the specified symbols, this method will make sure that the definitions of these symbols will be removed unless they are dependencies of other statements. Parameters ---------- symbols : iterable Iterable of symbols no longer used in the statement statement : Statement Statement from which the symbols were removed """ graph = self._create_dependency_graph() removed_ind = self._statements.index(statement) # Statements defining symbols and dependencies candidates = set() for s in symbols: for i in range(removed_ind - 1, -1, -1): stat = self[i] if isinstance(stat, Assignment) and stat.symbol == s: candidates.add(i) break for i in candidates.copy(): if i in graph: candidates |= set(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(graph, i)) # All statements needed for removed_ind if removed_ind in graph: keep = {down for _, down in nx.dfs_edges(graph, removed_ind)} else: keep = set() candidates -= keep # Other dependencies after removed_ind additional = {down for up, down in graph.edges if up > removed_ind and down in candidates} for add in additional.copy(): if add in graph: additional |= set(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(graph, add)) remove = candidates - additional return Statements(tuple(self[i] for i in range(len(self)) if i not in remove))
[docs] def full_expression(self, expression): """Expand an expression into its full definition Parameters ---------- expression : expression or str Expression to expand. A string will be converted to an expression. Return ------ expression Expanded expression Examples -------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.before_odes.full_expression("CL") THETA(1)*WGT*exp(ETA(1)) """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = sympify(expression) for statement in reversed(self): if isinstance(statement, ODESystem): raise ValueError( "ODESystem not supported by full_expression. Use the properties before_odes " "or after_odes." ) expression = expression.subs({statement.symbol: statement.expression}) return expression
[docs] def to_compartmental_system(self): """Convert ODE system to a compartmental system raise if not possible >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> statements = model.statements.to_compartmental_system() """ return self.before_odes + self.ode_system.to_compartmental_system() + self.after_odes
[docs] def to_explicit_system(self): """Convert ODE system to an explicit ODE system Example ------- >>> from pharmpy.modeling import load_example_model >>> model = load_example_model("pheno") >>> model.statements.ode_system Bolus(AMT) ┌───────┐ ┌──────┐ │CENTRAL│──CL/V→│OUTPUT│ └───────┘ └──────┘ >>> model.statements.ode_system.to_explicit_system() ⎧d -CL⋅A_CENTRAL(t) ⎪──(A_CENTRAL(t)) = ───────────────── ⎪dt V ⎨d CL⋅A_CENTRAL(t) ⎪──(A_OUTPUT(t)) = ─────────────── ⎪dt V ⎪A_CENTRAL(0) = AMT ⎩A_OUTPUT(0) = 0 """ return self.before_odes + self.ode_system.to_explicit_system() + self.after_odes
def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False else: for first, second in zip(self, other): if first != second: return False return True def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join([repr(statement) for statement in self]) def _repr_html_(self): html = r'\begin{align*}' for statement in self: if hasattr(statement, '_repr_html_'): html += '\\end{align*}' s = statement._repr_html_() html += s + '\\begin{align*}' else: s = f'${statement._repr_latex_()}$' s = s.replace('=', '&=') s = s.replace('$', '') s = s + r'\\' html += s return html + '\\end{align*}'