Source code for


.. list-table:: Options for the data module
   :widths: 25 25 50 150
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Option name
     - Default value
     - Type
     - Description
   * - ``na_values``
     - ``[-99]``
     - List
     - Data values to be converted to NA when reading in data
   * - ``na_rep``
     - ``'-99'``
     - str
     - Data value to convert NA to when writing data


import pharmpy.config as config

class DataConfiguration(config.Configuration):
    module = ''
    na_values = config.ConfigItem(
        [-99], 'List of data values to be converted to NA when reading data'
    na_rep = config.ConfigItem('-99', 'What to replace NA with in written datasets')

conf = DataConfiguration()

[docs] class DatasetError(Exception): """Exception for errors in the dataset""" pass
[docs] class DatasetWarning(Warning): """Warning for recoverable issues in the dataset""" pass